Bouwunie is asking to be a painter and the other works at home to make

as Bouwunie, the umbrella organisation of small and medium enterprises in the construction sector, calls for a non-urgent tasks indoors, such as painting or carpentry, however, to re-add them. A lot of companies who focus exclusively on this kind of attention are now largely out of work, but it will not be entitled to the Flemish hinderpremie, what it sounds like.

hot water Heaters repair, leak in the roof, gaps, or other extremely urgent tasks in residential homes are allowed. But it is less urgent to work and think of walls as a painting or schrijnwerken let it run, it may not. Therefore, there are a lot of companies, which are mainly for individuals getting started, you are actually obliged to be silent, ” says Bouwunie, and that they shall not be entitled to the Flemish hinderpremie of 4 000 euros for entrepreneurs, which is due to the corona virus and the doors will be closed.

Bouwunie ask to have the ban on non-emergency repairs in residential homes to be lifted, said executive director, Jean-Pierre Waeytens. “If it’s safe, then why would it not work?”, he said. “Any additional measures to reduce the risk of infection is still more to be kept to a minimum”. “If this flexibility is not possible, then it is not just for those companies that are obliged to lie still even for a hinderpremie to know, what it sounds like.

Bouwunie has in this respect a letter was written to the minister of employment and the Economy, and Hilde Crevits (CD&V), which is responsible for the hinderpremies. The authorization for the activities to pursue, is a federal.

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