B. T. considers: The austrian scandal must have consequences

When Christian Craig Uhre, together with his girlfriend Cecilie took home from this year’s skiing trip, he was not aware that they had just visited a coronavirus-fi hotspot, and had taken the infection with them to Denmark.

He, her boyfriend and five others in their tour group is today isolated in their apartments in Aarhus, infected by coronaviruses.

Austria, and not least the popular skiby Iscghl, with its lenient handling of smittefaren, the responsibility for that coronavirus is spread out over most of Europe.

It could have been avoided.

The austrian scandal must have consequences for the cooperation between the austrian authorities and the owners of the ski area shows that they put their own economic interests over the health. The austrian health authorities refused for a long time to do anything. Even when they were aware of the danger, they took better account of the local hoteliers than the tourists.

Already at the end of February lands a plane in Iceland. With on board are tourists from the ski resort, and by examination it turns out that they are infected with coronavirus. Iceland put Ischgl on risikolisten, where the North and Wuhan also find themselves with the same.

until five days later, the 5. march, examines the austrian authorities in the area and the well-known restaurant ‘Kitzloch’, in which the majority found to have been infection. There is no cause for alarm, writes the health authorities, and the party continues in the popular skiby.

That goes on for another nine days, within the area and the bars closed down completely Saturday the 14. march. But before the authorities turn a jernring on Iscghl, are hotelejerne in the area warned of the coming shutdown, and they rush to send their guests home. The many hundreds of løstansatte skibumser gets fired, and everyone takes to their home countries anywhere in Europe – without being tested. Neither the authorities or the owners of the ski resorts worried, apparently, about the spread.

The Danish coronakrise was greatly exacerbated, as several thousands of ski tourists came home from Tyrol. Jenni Carlend from Herlev, denmark, and 139 other danes were infected in Iscghl. Jenni was sick on the way home and asked to be tested, but at the time perceived the Danish authorities, not Austria as a risk area. Therefore, the returning danes, Jenni, tested too late. But maybe they were Danish health authorities sold their austrian colleagues, who obviously did not take the early icelandic information seriously and therefore not made anything in a timely manner.

hundreds of German ski tourists is now to gather themselves together, to raise an action for damages against the authorities in the Tyrol. It seems as if they have a good case. The case will go his slow time in the legal system.

The austrian scandal should have consequences on another show.

the european UNION has been foot-dragging in the handling of coronasmitten and had difficult to find its role in the common struggle. If a binding cooperation between the countries of Europe must make sense, must be cases as the austrian handling or lack of the same forward in the light. The relevant authorities must be accountable and committed to a collaboration that goes both ways.

Austria has earlier suffered from a scandal that put the tracks in several decades after. In the’80s diluted the austrian wine-makers, their spätlese and burgunder with the coolant to make the wine more sweet. It was a kæmpeskandale, which many danes remember clearly. The scandal laid the austrian wine industry down for decades, and still has, many danes find it difficult to pull the cork of an austrian white wine.

the Scandal from the ski area to develop in the same show. The austrian chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, announced the other day a study of coronaskandalen in Ischgl, in order to avoid a similar situation. But the promise is already pulled back.

the european UNION must therefore undertake to investigate how it could go so wrong, to Ischgl and other ski resorts in Tyrol was smittebomben to the whole of Europe.

It could have been avoided. It should be avoided.

Why must the scandal in Austria have consequences.