Latin America – koronaens next big victim?

Brazil, Ecuador and Chile are currently the hardest hit, with 60 per cent of the dead in Latin America. Over half of the registered infected, living in these three countries.

A month after the first korona-case was registered, in São Paulo, Brazil, is more than 10.000 hispanics registered as infected. And even if there are few compared with the united STATES, Europe and China, so rises the number quickly.

The last couple of week is the more than tenfold, and obviously there are the big unknown. For only a very small part of the region’s 600 million inhabitants is tested.

Bad odds

Four out of five Latin americans live in cities and towns. Here from Santiago de Chile.


Latin America is one of the world’s most urbanized areas. More than 80 per cent of the population live in cities and towns, making it difficult to prevent the spread of the infectious koronaviruset.

And Latin America’s cities are characterized by slums with millions of residents. Often staying large families in homes of a few square meters. In addition, the sanitary conditions are bad in these areas, and if people get sick, are each very flawed

“In Latin America, it is not the age and health which determine whether people survive a serious korona-disease, but the size of the bank account,” writes one commentator.

For the money, it is always good health care to be bought.

the Leaders quarrel in Brazil

With around 210 million inhabitants, Brazil is the most populous country in Latin America, and it is here that most of the korona-cases are discovered. Around 3.500 people are registered infected, and around 100 are reported dead.

In the most populous states, like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, it is put in place very strict measures. Almost all social life is put on hold, which has led to huge financial problems for the already crisis-hit country.

Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro has called korona-pandemic “imagination” and “a little flu”.


Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro is furious over this, and have accused delstatsguvernørene to “tear the country into pieces”.

Even has the president received harsh criticism after have spoken of the korona as a “fantasy”, and the conflict has created great uncertainty about the way forward here in Brazil.

Mexico – shook hands

Also Mexico’s president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has received strong criticism for its conduct during the korona-crisis. Even after other countries had introduced drastic measures, he went around and gave hugs and shook hands with their supporters.

But in recent days, the president changed the attitude, and has given his support to a variety of measures, such as closure of schools and businesses, and the prohibition of large events.

He has also asked that the country’s around 130 million residents stay indoors.

There are so far recorded around 600 cases of koronasmitte in Mexico, but testing has just begun.

One of the main roads in the gigantmetropolen Mexico City – in koronaens time.

Photo: Marco Ugarte / Marco Ugarte

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Colombia and Venezuela

they are around 1.6 million venezuelan refugees who are in neighbouring Colombia is koronapandemien a nightmare in an already extremely difficult situation.

The same applies to the citizens of Venezuela, who has lived with an acute shortage of food and medicines in the last years.

the Regime has responded to korona-crisis to put the country in quarantine, but the strong drop in oil prices has given even less room to find solutions for the citizens.

In Colombia, the authorities have closed the borders and imposed travel restrictions for foreigners. The government has also put forward an economic hjelpepakke of around nok 100 billion.

the Number of registered korona-infected in Latin America is tenfold in just over a week.

Photo: CARL DE SOUZA / AFP Chile, Peru and Ecuador

The three Pacific has, with the exception of Brazil, the highest numbers of registered korona-cases in Latin America – a total of around 4.000 infected and more than 50 died.

All three countries have taken extensive measures, such as closure of schools and businesses, a prohibition against accumulations, and the closing of borders.

In Chile means korona-the pandemic is also a sudden stop of the reform process that was set in the time after the violent demonstrations in the last year.

And for Chile, Peru and Ecuador – as for the rest of Latin America – will korona-crisis with the security lead to recession for the year 2020. The question is how big the economic fall is going to be.

also Read: While Brazil’s president fnyser of korona, done stadiums on to the field hospital Read also: In Brazil it is called “rikmannsviruset”