Letter from the Wellenaar in 1959 can be found in the city of Antwerp: in the Meantime, though, nearly sixty years of marriage

Denderleeuw, Gunther Bols of the first Floor was just like so many of the people in this coronatijden middle of the clearing house, as between the documents and the eenliefdesbrief discovered in 1959. That turned out to be in the hands of William De Kock-De Bruyn from the wave building, and it was addressed to his lover, Lydia. William and I have been in the nearly sixty years of marriage. “I have written many love letters to the house of Lydia and when I was in the military,” says William.

The love letter/drawing a gap between a lot of planning from modelling, which is A more than a decade ago, bought the biggest garageverkoop/flea market in Flanders’, in the wave building. “I have been interested in modeling from the past and gather about planning,” says Gunther. “I have to remind myself that I am a vendor at the garageverkoop in the wave building quite a lot plan, on the upside, I was able to type it in. I went over it with a plastic bag full of plans to get back together. I’ve got as to what in the worst case scenario, but I have read the contents have never been thoroughly examined.” The bag went into a closet and came out with ten years ago have emerged, as A are the cabinets with the clean-up was made.

“the coronacrisis, I am technically unemployed, and I’m a few weeks in the house. In doing so, I’ll start to sort it. For example, they have a little box appear with the use of aerial photographs and the letter. I was a little frightened of me for a mistake I did.”In the background of the photo was the name of William De Kock, The Bruyn.De letter from 1959, was also signed by William. A posted a message on the Facebook page, In zetj va Welle alske…’ at the William, is to be found. His question received a quick reply. “After five or six hours, I knew who he was.”
Love, at first sight,

William De Kock-De Bruyn was living in the rue du marais in a wave building, and it is now almost sixty years old, married to Lydia (both of which were 80 years of age), the person to whom the letter was addressed. “When I came in 1958 to 1959, thirteen months in the army and was in Germany, I have thirty love letters written to Lydia,” says William. “We had known each other only for a week, then I have to go to the army, though. We were met at the expo ‘ 58 in Brussels, belgium. I was there with my mother, she is a friend of mine. It was love at first sight.” William fell in with the taste of his mother-in-law. “They have had it I have been advised that: ‘the fact that it is a very good man, you are going to take,’” laughs William. The couple was married on the 16th of september, 1961, and had a daughter. In the meantime, they also have two grandchildren.

William, has been all his life a passion for model-making, and modelvliegen. “I am still the national champion modelvliegen have been. I went to a regular modelvliegen the vliegterreinen in Heldergem, and Denderleeuw. I was almost a pilot, but when I was earning my pilot’s license and the guy in front of me to crash with his plane in pieces out of each other was, I said to myself, ” I’m sorry, but I’ve got a wife and a child. I take my responsibilities’. The guy who crashed, it is still a pilot, but for me, it’s in the modelvliegen remained the same.”

now, Back to Welle

He is surprised to see that his letter is now in the city of Antwerp has turned up. “That’s a strange one. Everything seems to be possible.” Gunther says sure to take care of that in the letter, and again in William land. “A woman is here, and the nearby shopping centre manage is also responsible for managing a shopping centre in Aalst, belgium. Maybe he was so in the Welle, get. We’ll see. The letter is accompanied by danny’s home in Welle. William has put a lot of work put into it.”