Julian Thorner had to leave his wife and child after the birth – view

SRF-Moderator Julian Thorner (32) has become a father for the first Time. A normal birth may not be the speech. Because of the Corona-crisis, the hospitals are crowded. Anywhere Social Distancing is also in the hospital. The rules are so much stricter.

So, Thorner was not allowed to remain longer than 24 hours at his wife. In conversation with host’s colleague Mona Vetsch (44) he tells of how difficult the last few days. “If it is there, so this little creature is on the world, then you have driven all the protective instincts and then someone says to you after 24 hours: “So, you must leave the hospital now.” This has broken my heart. To leave my wife and my child alone, that was hard,” he says.

grandparents are allowed to grandson is not

visit For the Couple, it was first a shock, as you would know that fathers are only allowed to be during the birth in the hospital. “We then tried to get us calmed down, and relatively quickly, to turn the Whole thing into a Positive,” reported the Canton of Thurgau. In the hospital, the mood was very unusual. “It was incredibly quiet in the corridors of the maternity ward. The silence was scary.”

The most difficult for the new parents to be, however, that the grandparents were not allowed to get to know their grandson. Were not able to “your but also for the protection of our son visit him. This is for my wife and me, one of the most difficult points.” Via Skype, they were able to introduce him to her. “We have almost a live stream,” says Thorner, laughing.

midwife instructed only with two meters of distance,

Expectant parents he advises: “Accept the Situation as it is and rejoice in the Positive, namely the healthy child that comes into the world.”

Meanwhile, mother and son are healthy at home. Your midwife come to you, but it was like in the hospital. “She has gloves and a protective mask, to touch us, and the child, but instructs us only with two meters distance.” Everything must be locally made, will virtually declared, says Thorner. He had an amazing respect for the nurses and the midwives: “This is unbelievable, what at the Moment. Really.” (bsn)


The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.