An inmate has tested positive for the Covid-19. It is the first confirmed case in a Danish prison.
An inmate in a Danish prison have been tested for coronaviruses and has been shown to be infected.
It is the first case of coronavirus or Covid-19, which is found in Danish prisons and detention.
The typing of the Probation in a press release.
It appears not, which the prison the infected staying in.
As part of the health authorities ‘ decision to test several of infection with corona virus is the Probation begun to test the selected inmates.
– Probation can inform you that there is an inmate who has tested positive for the Covid-19. It is the first recorded case in the Prison institutions, says security chief Lars Rau Brysting from Probation.
The inmates have been quarantined during his entire stay in prison. Therefore, he or she has not been with other inmates.
– just Like the staff have handled the question according to the current guidelines, which follow the public health recommendations, says Lars Rau Brysting in the press release.
Earlier in the week – Monday – lighted Probation in an email to Ritzau, that 20 to 25 inmates in the country’s prisons at the time was isolated because of the symptoms that could be due to coronaviruses.
But there was not yet detected infection among the inmates.
In the email to Ritzau explained Probation, that you are operating with a so-called precautionary principle. This means that inmates with “less smitteindikationer” being excluded from the community.
the Prison has introduced several far-reaching measures to reduce the risk of spread of infection in prisons.
Among other things, are all besøgstilladelser been involved. The inmates also need to look far for the opportunity of the year.
Only in very special situations, there may be provided an exemption.
Moreover, the convicts, who are on the loose and waiting to serve, not be inserted, as long as there is a need to reduce the risk of infection with the coronavirus.