Coronavirus: Angela Merkel asks in the Podcast from the quarantine to be patient

After smooth-talk from the Thursday heard from the Chancellor today, again from your domestic quarantine – this time with better sound.

In your Audio-Podcast thanked Angela Merkel (65, CDU), the citizens for the consistent implementation of the new measures to combat the Corona pandemic. Almost all had changed their behavior completely, the vast majority avoid unnecessary contacts. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you,” she said.

at the same time she asked for patience. the The man should be set “on contact and proximity, and I look forward to again,” she said. Since the contact to your infected doctor Merkel’s home. “No one today can say with a clear Conscience, he did not know how long it lasts,” said Merkel.

Yet there is no reason to loosen the rules: “I must ask you to be patient.”