Lufthansa has sent to holidays 31 thousand employees

Lufthansa has sent to holidays 31 thousand employees

Official representative of Lufthansa explained that the ground personnel sent to a forced vacation until August 31. The issue with the pilots “is in the stage of resolution.” In total recruited 31 thousand skilled workers.

According to estimates by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Carsten Spohr, air carriers are unlikely to recover quickly after the crisis coronaviruses. “We will need years before the industry will again reach a crisis level. The problem becomes so big that all the global airlines are forced to reschedule their flight schedules,” – said the Manager.

Photo: Sergey Pivovarov/RIA Novosti Airlines reduce prices for flights in Russia

Spurs had also indicated that Lufthansa is negotiating with the government about providing possible financial assistance. According to him, in Berlin felt a determination to maintain a competitive advantage the airline in the domestic market and on a global scale. The company has repeatedly proven financial viability, in this context, emergency aid in a crisis situation looks legitimate.

the solution to the problem of air transportation is necessary to connect the European Union. Politicians and business must act together in order not to lose in the global competition, the United States and China, said the head of Lufthansa.

meanwhile, a critical situation with coronavirus affected the flagships of the German economy. So, Volkswagen decided to send in a mandatory vacation 80 thousand workers in connection with the violation of supply chain for the delivery of spare parts and the decline in sales, reports the business newspaper Deutsche Nachrichten Wirtchafts.