Attacking the chairman: Now the game is therefore over

I am often asked how it is to have a workplace where all goes around and is angry with each other. And I can well understand that you think such, when you see the debate in folketingssalen.

near these corona-times, it is rare that there is consensus. And so, the debate can be fierce. But actually, the truth is that there is a good camaraderie across the political parties.

We are ‘professional disagreement’ and has a good atmosphere, when the debates have ended. Most welcome nice to each other, and several are actually friends across the parties.

Why am I being piqued when I see the president of a different party to accuse my friend and colleague Martin Henriksen for being crazy and sends him the image of a ‘sølvpapirshat’ as a response to an entirely proper question about the party’s EU policy.

For people who don’t know the ‘Faraday’s law’, I can tell you that a sølvpapirshat is about as condescending as an upturned middle finger: obliquely up! Not particularly formandsværdigt …

the Case is about the New Borgerliges EU policy. And I know a little more. For I am sitting even in the Parliamentary committees for union affairs, where I follow the cases. I have done this for more than 15 years, so I dare say that I know the area.

this is Why I also on the line with Martin Henriksen, who wonder about the New Borgerliges support for Denmark to pay one percent of its GNI to the EU budget for the next seven years. It may not sound like much, but in round numbers is a percent equal to 22 billion dollars. Of the year.

For comparison we have in the total budget of 41 billion dollars to the renovation of existing hospitals and the construction of six brand new supersygehuse. So small change is not.

To think, Denmark is to send 154 billion to the EU, is quite legitimate. Actually, there are a large majority in Parliament, which believes. Only the Danish people’s Party, Unity and the Alternative vote ‘no’.

So why send Pernille Vermund sølvpapirshatte to Martin Henriksen? Perhaps because it is easier to go after the messenger than to defend his own policy?

For there is no doubt that Martin Henriksen has hit a sore toe.

Maybe it was not supposed, that any man should interest himself for how the New Civic actually votes in parliament? Maybe this was the plan, to Facebook-the videos should run the business to ensure?

How to play the piano perhaps, before being selected. But once you have got the voters ‘ support, ‘playing’ you no more. So it’s serious. And so you have to be careful who it awards the sølvpapirshatte to …

Morten Messerschmidt

Morten Messerschmidt, is educated cand.jur and is elected to Parliament for the Danish people’s Party in 2019, but have previously served in the Danish Parliament. From 2009 to 2019, he was a member of the European Parliament. He lives together with director and bakkesangerinde Dot Wessman. The author of several books, among other things, the EUROPEAN court of justice. He was born in 1980 in Frederikssund.