“Russian seasons” are invited to the examination in classical dance

"Russian seasons" are invited to the examination in classical dance

“Online program, which we opened with a concert of the Big symphonic orchestra of Tchaikovsky Vladimir Fedoseyev, was the addition to the main program. Culture – the heritage of the universal, and Russia has something to show to the world these days. We do a great job not only on the selection of content, but also adaptation, translation, specially make the subtitles in French language, – has told in interview to “the Russian newspaper” the Director of ANO “Russian seasons,” Alexei Lebedev. – This format is our answer to the time constraints for conducting the tour and the closure of borders. We will do everything that is planned in France, Belgium and Luxembourg Russian events took place – we are talking about exhibitions, performances, concerts, festivals. We have a lot of organizing work for subsequent re-examination of terms, sites, redirecting artists and more. Events are not cancelled, and transferred at a later time: summer, fall, winter 2020/2021 year.”

“Russian seasons” throughout the world will be free to work online

the Nearest program online project Stay home with Russian Seasons on the project website.

on Monday, 30 March at 21:00 Moscow time musical theatre “Helikon-Opera” will present a performance of “Turandot” to the music of Giacomo Puccini. The play was awarded the Opera prize “Onegin” and the main prize of the Union stage workers of Russia “hit of the season” – “the Big crystal nail”. Premiere of this production, created by an international team headed by Director Dmitry Bertman took place in early 2017 in the framework of the largest international project “Eurasian Opera”. Musical Director – people’s artist of the USSR Vladimir Fedoseyev, who first conducted the Opera in Russia.

Photo: Ivan Andreev/press service of the bonds of the Republic of Tatarstan state orchestra of Tatarstan was presented in Moscow “the Flying Dutchman”

on Wednesday, 1 April at 21:00 Moscow time – rare footage of real ballet test. Saint-Petersburg Academy of Russian ballet. A. Y. Vaganova will show a video of the state exam on the subject “Classical dance”, which was held on 17 April 2019. Teacher – Ambassador international cultural project “Russian seasons” Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Accompanist – Daria Kondakova.

on Friday, 3 April at 21:00 Moscow time, a week of “Russian seasons” will continue to broadcast the concert of the National Philharmonic orchestra of Russia under Vladimir Spivakov. Soloists – artists of the youth Opera program of the London Royal Opera house, Covent garden Aigul Akhmetshina (mezzo-soprano) and Alan Pingarron (tenor, Mexico). The program will include overtures, arias and duets from operas by Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, Verdi, Puccini, Bizet, Saint-Saens. The concert was held on 23 December 2019 at the Svetlanov hall of Moscow international House of music within the X Moscow festival “Vladimir Spivakov invites”.