Lene Beier will be of use during the corona-crisis: Talking with lonely

the Tv host offers its followers to be called up and have a chat if they feel alone and abandoned during the corona-crisis, where all of the normal activities in Denmark are shut down.

Under the coronakrisen have Lene Beier like many other danes got the message about to be home from his workplace, the TV 2, for the same reason, had to set a wide range of tv-productions.

The 42-year-old tv host has, however, not going to lie on the let side, but have wondered how she can be helpful in the krisetiden. The idea to help lonely is generated, so that on Tuesday night slammed the she update in her Instagram profile with an offer of call to its 75.000 followers, if any of them needed a chat between the hours of. 13.30-14.30 on weekdays, after her children hjemmeskoleundervisning.

‘I am not a psychologist or doctor! But I think it is just nice to chat,’ she wrote on, and it has now caused a storm of messages in the inbox at Lene Beier.

“I was bombarded, so now I must try for the first time today (Wednesday afternoon) to call a handful of people,” continues Lene Beier for Realityportalen.

“Some of it, I’m good for is talk, so maybe it can benefit someone. It is really nice to talk with all sorts of people. In this case, it is often people who are alone. And, of course, is the anonymously. It is only a crutch if someone has use for it,” emphasises Lene Beier, whose house in Søvang on Amager, incidentally, has been invaded. When Mette Frederiksen, Denmark closed down 11. march moved her little sister, her partner, their baby and dog, namely, into at Lene Beier. So now they have become a big family.

“We are now living four adults and three children together, while many others sit alone in their small apartments, where the time can feel long. It is much cozier to be in a sort of voluntary isolation. And it goes really well. I am facing some times up with the little child at. 5.30, and then we have the two dogs, that must be aired. We have a garden and live close to nature. There are many advantages, so it all doesn’t become too acidic,” says the ‘Farmer looking for love’-the host of the specific situation all the danes are.

the Article is published in cooperation with the Realityportalen.dk.

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