Daylight saving time, no thanks

On Sunday set the clock forward an hour. For many are the extra bright hour of the evening awaited. But there are good reasons why we should let the clock be in eternal winter.

What we call winter time, we could called the solar clock, or est. It is this which is the original urklokken that occurred several billion years ago when earth began to spin in orbit around the sun. Everything that lives has shaped døgnrytmer after the sun’s clock.

When the sun is highest in the sky in winter time is at its highest between the hours of 11 and at 13 most places in Norway. Midnight is exactly halfway between sunset and sunrise.

All life that exists on earth follows this shift between light and dark.

As søvnforskere we believe that you simply should not tamper with the urmaskineriet.

Body clocks

our Body has developed their biological clocks in tune with the ur-rhythm. Most of the body’s cells has its own aktivitetsrytme that follows the light – and mørkerytmen. The rhythms are elegantly adjusted in relation to each other. Therefore, it is not random what happens in our body different times of the day, neither when during the day or night it happens.

An example is digestion. The morning light provides information to the brain that it is day. You may have noticed that you need to do for a while after you have stood up, and that the need for other than to pee rarely arises at night?

the Transition from winter time to daylight saving time has been shown to be as.

Hjerneområdet that controls hunger send nor out hunger signals at night. Furthermore, it is not random when on the clock you have the best coordination, or fastest reaction time, alertness on the top, or when you sleep the deepest. This is timed and facilitated by the rhythms of the body. In line with the sun’s clock.

In the same way is a good immune system closely connected with both body’s rhythms and the time to sleep. Antibodies are produced especially at night. Sleep at the right time, after the body’s rhythms, boosts the immune system.

Changes between sunlight and dark controls all the important organs, as the brain, heart and muscles. There is still no artificial light source that can replace the intensity and the composition of the sun’s rays.

The political specific clock

the Time displayed on the phone, the arm or the radio is specific adopted. Norway decided in 1895 to be a part of the central european time zone (CET).
In the Uk we live how to approximate between latitudes 58°N in the south and 71°N in the north, but in the same time zone. The sun is not really the highest when at our shows 12. When at our is 12, the sun’s clock really 12.36 in Bergen, 12.15 in Oslo, while it is 11.42 in Tromsø. As you can see, it is not so far away 12 for any of the locations.

It is not beneficial now that the immune system of a whole population has been a kjempeutfordring to combat koronaviruset.

But: When we go over to daylight saving time increases the difference between the solar clock and the political certain time. When the clock our show 12: 00 noon, is the sun heading toward the afternoon. The sun, therefore, signal the body that the time is 13.40 in Bergen 13.19 in Oslo and 12.46 in Tromsø.

we may change the clock by one hour on Sunday does not make the days longer. The sun is not later down because of daylight saving time. The sun keeps on its rhythm. But we get an hour extra daylight in the evening after work and school because we are starting the day an hour earlier. The price we must pay is that the body will have to get up an hour earlier than it sets the price at.

A politically decided daylight saving time does not change the time that the sun shows our body, it is only our expectations for the body that changes. Our bodies are biologically programmed to follow the sun’s clock.

there is a little crease in the system when we should do things, like to eat, add us, stand up, perform at work and another, at other times than we tend, or is adapted to by nature.

A time to or from, there is so much to say?

the Transition from winter time to daylight saving time has been shown to be as. Most studies show immediate negative effects such as that we sleep less, are more tired during the day and perform mentally somewhat degraded. This increases the risk for injuries and accidents both in the home and on the job. We look at the effect, we find an increased incidence of heart attack and stroke in the days after that we have gone from winter to summer time.
A transition to the new rhythm is tough also for the immune system. Just it is not beneficial now that the immune system of a whole population has been a kjempeutfordring to combat koronaviruset.

When we go over to daylight saving time increases mismatchen.

When the EUROPEAN union asked its citizens for their opinion, voted 84 per cent that we should stop trying to change the clock twice a year. The politicians still managed not to agree to stay on winter time or summer time the year around. Why should each member state decide for themselves what time they want to keep in 2021.

Russia, the united STATES and the united Kingdom tried wearing with permanent daylight savings in order to consume less power, but had to give it up. They spared almost nothing. Little morgenlys during the winter was also unpopular among landbruksarbeidere, parents and children, and the number of traffic accidents in the morning increased.

As the sleep – and døgnrytmeforskere we believe that you simply should not tamper with the urmaskineriet our, but keep us to the standard time, i.e. the winter time, throughout the year.

This will maintain the best of both the health and safety of the community in general, as when driving and to ensure that we take good wake up options for school and work.