
On May 8th, the Basic Health Unit Ana do Espírito Santo in Matinhos implemented the Natural Therapies Extension Project from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) Litoral. This project aims to complement the treatment of patients with various comorbidities.

The event marks a step towards implementing the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PNPICs), which aims to incorporate therapeutic practices beyond the traditional model, promoting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance of patients. The therapeutic benefits of PICS include:

– Increased relaxation and well-being;
– Improved quality of sleep, reduced anxiety, and depressive symptoms;
– Pain relief;
– Reduction of signs and symptoms of various diseases;
– Strengthening of the immune system;
– Encouragement of professional and interactive contact;
– Reduction in the use of medications;
– Improvement in quality of life.

Objectives and Initial Practices Introduced
The vice-coordinator of the project, Thais Souza, highlighted that the main goal is to prevent diseases and promote well-being through integrative practices. “There are 29 practices authorized and recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), but we started with five in the municipality, such as acupuncture and quick massage, and we will introduce the others as needed by the patients,” said Thais.

Among the practices offered are Auriculotherapy, Laser Therapy, Foot Reflexology, Quick Massage, and Reiki. This initiative is the result of a partnership between the Municipality and UFPR Litoral and aims to promote comprehensive health care for the population.

The partnership between the Natural Therapies Extension Project and the Municipal Health Department of Matinhos involves the training of students and the community to offer practices safely and effectively. Denise Cararo, a Public Health student involved in the project, emphasized the importance of this initiative for the population. “This is a milestone for the health of the municipality. PNPICs exists, but few municipalities adhere to it. Usually, patients are referred by doctors to improve their quality of life, as each technique offers benefits such as stress reduction and anxiety relief,” explained Denise.

Implementation and Future of PICS in Matinhos
Initially, the services are available every Wednesday, with a medical referral. The Director of Health in Matinhos, Danielle Couto, stated that the service offering may be expanded to other Basic Health Units according to demand.

With the implementation of PICS, Matinhos takes a significant step towards integrating complementary approaches into the local healthcare system, promoting a more holistic and comprehensive care for its residents.