Popular products: Eight foods prevent inflammation in the body

Inflammation in the body can damage your health in the long term and cause chronic illness. You can fight inflammation with the right diet. Read here which eight foods you should eat regularly so that inflammation doesn’t stand a chance.

The symptoms of inflammation are as varied as the diseases that accompany them. It’s good that there are foods that prevent inflammation in the body.

Some inflammatory diseases are visible, for example when the skin is affected in dermatitis or the conjunctiva of the eyes in conjunctivitis.

Others, however, manifest themselves through specific symptoms – asthma, rheumatism or inflammatory bowel disease, for example. Autoimmune diseases are also closely linked to inflammatory reactions.

Certain foods make it easier for inflammation to take hold in your body. Sugar, wheat, meat and highly processed foods should therefore be consumed in moderation or not at all.

Conversely, vegetables, fruits and certain herbs and spices can help.

Whether spinach, chard or cabbage varieties such as kale – with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, green vegetables make you fit to fight inflammation.

Berries are true superfoods. The more intensely colored a fruit is, the more it protects against inflammation. Blueberries in particular protect against disease-causing inflammation with their antioxidants.

Citrus fruits are real vitamin bombs and strengthen the immune system. They not only protect against colds, but also against inflammatory diseases.

Beans, lentils and peas contain fiber, which can lower inflammation levels.

The best oil to use is cold-pressed oil, which is not only suitable for salads but can also be drizzled over ready-made dishes. You can consume it every day because olive oil not only contains antioxidants, but can also slow down the enzymes that worsen inflammation.

Probiotic foods such as yoghurt or sauerkraut ensure that the intestinal flora remains strong and healthy. Many people still underestimate how important a healthy intestine is for overall health.

The omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish reduce inflammation levels and can calm silent inflammation, which is only the precursor to more serious diseases. Two to three servings of fish per week are recommended.

Almonds contain plenty of vitamin E and folic acid, and Brazil nuts are the only reliable plant-based source of selenium. That’s why people who eat a vegan diet in particular should eat them more often. They also contain plenty of antioxidants.

Walnuts contain the perfect combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and protect blood vessels from inflammation.

The original of this article “Eight foods prevent inflammation in the body” comes from FitForFun.