“He works to eat”: Presenter sees pensioner (90) working in supermarket and reacts immediately

A pensioner (90) pushes a shopping cart in front of a shop to earn some money. A former news anchor sees the old man and collects money for him.

It is a heartwarming story: 90-year-old veteran Dillon McCormick works to earn a living despite his advanced age and difficult conditions. The New York Post reports.

He pushes shopping carts in front of a store. McCormick, a former member of the US Air Force, even has to walk over a mile to work because he doesn’t have a car.

One holiday, former news anchor Karen Swensen is shopping in this supermarket and sees the pensioner pushing the shopping carts together in the sweltering heat. She feels sorry for the old man and speaks to him.

“When I heard that McCormick had no choice but to work at the store, I was deeply shocked,” Swensen told the New York Post. Swensen, who previously worked at WWL-TV in New Orleans, started a fundraiser that was an immediate success. “Mr. McCormick works to eat,” she wrote on the fundraising page.

He needs $2,500 (€2,300) a month to live, but only receives $1,100 from social security. That’s why he has to push shopping carts to make ends meet. As of Wednesday evening, $222,545 (€205,000) had been raised on the GoFundMe page.

Swensen is thrilled. “It was simply a confirmation of faith in humanity.” Dillon McCormick can hardly believe his luck either.

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