Protest bigger than expected: “Berlin shall burn”: Israel haters demonstrate again in Berlin

According to initial reports, around 1,400 people demonstrated at a pro-Palestinian protest in Berlin’s Kreuzberg and Neukölln districts. Among other things, they shouted “Free Palestine”. But signs reading “Berlin should burn” were also seen.

The demonstration was larger than expected, a police spokeswoman said on Wednesday evening. A spokeswoman had previously said that around 1,000 participants had registered for the demonstration. The demonstration began at Oranienplatz and moved towards Hermannplatz.

The demonstrators shouted, among other things, “Free Palestine,” but also the anti-Semitic slogan “Israel, child murderer.” Signs reading “Berlin shall burn” and “Fuck you Germany” were also seen.

The day before, a pro-Palestinian demonstration escalated. Police officers were attacked with stones and bottles in isolated cases. People also set off pyrotechnics, a police spokeswoman said on Wednesday morning. According to police, around 850 people had gathered on Tuesday evening. Police forces broke up the demonstration at Hermannplatz late in the evening.

A total of 19 criminal proceedings were initiated for physical attacks on and resistance against law enforcement officers, for particularly serious breaches of the peace, dangerous bodily harm, damage to property, insults and for the use of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations.