Shock after the wedding celebration: Handwritten invoice causes a “rude awakening” for the bride and groom

Ideally, at a wedding you want everything to go perfectly and without any unpleasant surprises. But a wedding couple experienced a rude awakening in Munich.

Many people plan their wedding day from start to finish. From the location to the food and drinks to the guest list, this event is usually planned meticulously. 

Because one thing no one really wants at their wedding is an unplanned surprise. This is especially true if it is a surprise of a financial nature.

The bill for food and drinks is usually very hefty, especially with a correspondingly large wedding party. However, it becomes strange when the invoice is handwritten on a piece of paper and also raises a few questions. A groom shared this experience with the community on Reddit.

In his post, the user first announces the details of the bill: “Total bill for the evening is 6,100 euros, of which 3,200 euros (plus the champagne reception at 330 euros) are drinks. Guests: 39 adults and 13 children between two and six. Two children under two.”

The groom then explains that they have noticed some inconsistencies in the invoice, which was handwritten on a piece of paper. For example, no VAT rate can be derived from the information, which is why the groom assumes that “the tax authorities will probably not see anything of it.”

Of course, this is just a guess for now, but other details also cause the user to be suspicious. The number, especially of alcoholic drinks, does not really match the number of adult wedding guests.

“Based on his calculation, a total of 611 drinks (coffee and champagne at the champagne reception) are said to have been drunk between 5:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. “The one waiter is said to have served around 75 drinks per hour and at the same time ran the entire place,” the user explains. Their conclusion: “According to his calculations, we should all have crawled out.”

He also notes that the wedding should actually have been a closed society, but this would not have been taken into account due to financial gain. In the eyes of the groom, this once again illustrates the character of the innkeeper. According to the user, many other aspects such as cleaning, rooms and small meals would also “deviate significantly from the agreed price.”

The comments under the post seem to largely agree in their opinion. “Demand a real bill. “If you’re being ripped off, then he should actually pay taxes,” writes one user under the post. 

Others recommend that the groom contact the tax office directly and report this “invoice” there: “The only thing the organizer cares about is the tax office. I would report it.”

By Frederik Steinhage (ste)

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