Drama in Leverkusen’s underground car park: Pensioner (85) runs over his wife (87) while parking – days later she is dead

Horrible accident: A man (85) hit his partner (†89) while parking – she was so seriously injured that she died days later. 

As the Cologne police reported on Friday (May 24, 2024), the accident happened in an underground parking garage of a supermarket in Leverkusen-Schlebusch.

According to previous investigations, the pensioner got out of the car at around 11 a.m. on Tuesday (May 14, 2024) so ​​that her partner could reverse the car into a parking space. 

The 89-year-old was still in the parking space when her 85-year-old partner started the parking process. The woman from Leverkusen was trapped between the car (VW Golf) and the garage wall for reasons that are still unclear. 

The pensioner suffered several broken bones and was taken to hospital. “At that point there was no evidence of a life-threatening situation, which is why the Cologne police traffic accident investigation team was not deployed,” explains police spokesman Carsten Rust. 

It wasn’t until a day later that it became clear in the hospital that the 89-year-old had to undergo emergency surgery due to blood loss. The old lady died on Thursday (May 23rd), nine days after the accident in the underground car park. 

It is still unclear how the current accident could have happened. Apparently the 85-year-old had let his partner get out beforehand because otherwise this would not have been possible due to the tight parking space. Did he simply overlook his partner when reversing into the parking space? 

The investigation into the circumstances of this tragic accident is ongoing. The team from Traffic Commissioner 2 of the Cologne Police has taken over the investigation.

By Iris Klingelhöfer (iri)

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The original for this article “Pensioner (85) runs over wife (87) while parking – days later she is dead” comes from Express.de.