The outcome was almost fatal: without equipment towards the Zugspitze – German rescued after a 50-meter fall

A German mountaineer fell 50 meters on the Zugspitze. He was traveling without crampons.

A tragic event on the Zugspitze is currently making headlines. According to Krone, a German alpinist almost fell to his death while trying to climb the north-facing route of the Zugspitze.

The man from Bavaria would have tackled the difficult route without the necessary safety equipment, especially without crampons. The alpinist had to cross two snow fields on his way and was only wearing sturdy shoes. “Unfortunately he didn’t have crampons with him, he was just wearing sturdy shoes,” the “Krone” quoted air rescuer Riccardo Mizio as saying.

According to the report, the man initially managed to climb through the lower snowfield without an accident. But in the second snow field the inevitable happened: the man slipped and fell about 50 meters into the terrain, which was up to 50 degrees steep. Luckily he came to a stop between the rock face and the snow and was able to raise the alarm.

The RK-2 emergency medical helicopter was immediately sent to the scene of the accident and rescued the man. “We rescued the casualty with the winch and flew him down to Eibsee,” reported Mizio. The man only suffered abrasions, but the event could have ended tragically.

Mizio, who is both an aviation and mountain rescuer, warned urgently about the dangers of the high mountains. He advises mountain lovers to always take crampons and ice axes with them. The snowfields are extremely dangerous at this time of year; beneath a layer only a few centimeters thick, the snow is hard and unpredictable.

Just a few days ago, a tragic accident in Carinthia made headlines. A hiker fell 200 meters in front of his wife. He did not survive the accident.

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