“Hymn of the summer”: Gen Z woman describes what she wants her dream partner to be like – DJ makes a song out of it

A young woman talks on TikTok about how she imagines the man of her dreams. DJs turn it into a song that goes viral on the platform. This hits a nerve with young adults.

Gen Z is not only picky when choosing an employer, but also when choosing a partner. A young woman is now speaking on the online platform TikTok about how she imagines the ideal partner at her side. Four characteristics are crucial for them. There is a lot of support from the community.

The video now has 12.3 million views. Over 1,000 other creators have also recorded videos of their sound. In the comments it’s already being called the “Hot Girl Summer Anthem” of the year.

“I’m looking for a man who works in finance, has trust funds, is 1.95 meters tall and has blue eyes,” explains the young blonde. And asks in her post: “Can someone make this into a real song for fun, please?”

The DJs and music-loving TikTokers didn’t need to be asked twice and got creative. The woman’s wish became a catchy club sound. This shows that the blonde has found a nerve within Gen Z with her concern.

According to a report published by Editorial Network Germany (RND), many members of the so-called Generation Z, a group of people born between 1997 and 2012, are unintentionally single. A recent study by Parship shows that most singles can be found in this age group. But the Hamburg couple therapist Eric Hegmann, who accompanied the study, emphasized that being single is not always a conscious decision.

“44 percent of Gen Z members surveyed are not in a relationship,” he said. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they prefer being single. “Only 3.5 percent of 18- to 29-year-old singles don’t want a relationship,” explained Hegmann. In fact, according to RND, two-thirds of single members of Gen Z are actively looking for a partner.

One of the reasons why many people in this age group are not in a relationship could be that they are in a phase in which they are gaining experience and trying things out. Hegmann said that younger people are naturally not as willing to make a commitment as it is among people over 30, where the topic of family planning is increasingly coming to the fore.

RND reports that 31 percent of Gen Z singles have never been in a relationship. Hegmann says this is not unusual, as young people who are going through a period of change and self-discovery are less commitment-oriented. Nevertheless, members of Gen Z are more open to alternative relationship models, such as “friendship plus”, open relationships or polyamory.

Finally, Hegmann dispelled the prejudice that Gen Z is incapable of relationships. “The generation ‘incapable of commitment’ has never existed and does not exist today,” he clarified. Fear of attachment and loss are human protective mechanisms that occur in every age group. These fears also exist in Generation Z.

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