Real all-rounders: This is what happens to your body when you eat oatmeal for breakfast every day

Oatmeal is considered particularly healthy. But what exactly do they really do in the body? Read here what amazing things happen when you eat oatmeal for breakfast every morning.

Oatmeal seems a bit bland at first glance. They are tasteless and therefore a bit boring.

However, there are many good reasons to give oatmeal a second chance. They can have very positive effects on everyday life.

At the beginning you may be a bit inexperienced standing in front of your own bowl of cereal. What’s supposed to go in there? Fruits, nuts, chocolate or something salty? Quite simply: whatever tastes good – and whatever you feel like – is allowed.

In the sweet version, oat flakes taste great with berries, grated apple and a little maple syrup, for example. But the flakes are also convincing when served savory – for example with cottage cheese, tuna and tomatoes.

In general, you should try to eat intuitively, ideally starting with breakfast. This is how you satisfy your cravings before they mutate into cravings.

A portion of oatmeal (approx. 50 grams) contains 5 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber and, with only 170 calories, is a really slimming filler.

When boiled with milk or water, they swell additionally and thus acquire a larger volume. Together with natural yoghurt and fresh fruit, this creates a breakfast that will keep you going until lunch without breaking the calorie count.

If you eat oatmeal for breakfast every day, you will quickly notice how quickly you get used to this meal and look forward to the culinary start to the day in the evening.

This ensures that a quick visit to the bakery around the corner, where unhealthy snacks and sweets tempt you, will become increasingly rare in the future.

If you have to go particularly quickly in the morning, overnight oats, i.e. oat flakes that are prepared in a suitable container in the evening, are a good alternative to get a healthy breakfast even under time pressure.

The high fiber content of oat flakes stimulates digestion and thus boosts the metabolism – a change will be noticeable after just a few days. A warm oatmeal in particular clears up your stomach, warms you from the inside and gives you a pleasantly filling feeling.

Regular breakfast not only gets your digestion going, but also puts you in a healthy rhythm.

This helps prevent bloating and constipation.

If you start the day with oatmeal every morning for a month, croissants, bagels and other favorite dishes will quickly lose their appeal, because in terms of taste, these classics on the breakfast table cannot keep up with the varied and colorful Superbowls.

However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t serve something classic at the weekend – after all, a balanced diet should offer enough variety.

Prepare the evening before, let it sit overnight and enjoy in the morning. Overnight oats are the perfect breakfast for all late risers.



The original for this post “This is what happens to your body when you eat oatmeal every day” comes from FitForFun.