Season is on: This is what happens in your body when you eat asparagus often

Asparagus can currently be bought on every corner. Read here why you shouldn’t miss out on asparagus and who should be more careful when eating asparagus.

The asparagus season started in Germany in April – and the Germans really celebrate the few weeks in which asparagus is served regionally.

According to the Federal Center for Nutrition, Germans eat around 1.5 kilograms of fresh asparagus per capita. And for good reason: Anyone who eats asparagus regularly is doing something good for their health.

The Germans love asparagus! Although asparagus is the vegetable with the largest cultivation area in Germany, it is also imported from other countries; According to the Federal Information Center for Agriculture, mainly from Greece and Spain.

However, the country with the most asparagus cultivation is not in Europe. In 2020, China took first place in asparagus cultivation with a production of 7.4 million tons.

There are more than 120 varieties of asparagus in Europe. They differ in color, consistency and quality. A special taste is, for example, purple-colored asparagus.

However, white and green asparagus are better known and more popular. Both varieties come from the same plant, but differ in taste and when they are harvested. However, all types of asparagus are actually good for nutrition.

Asparagus is the ideal vegetable to do something good for your body. It consists of 95 percent water and has only about 18 calories per 100 grams. The vegetable is also rich in vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins A and E, copper, folic acid, calcium and potassium.

Asparagus is one of the ideal vegetables for losing weight. The vegetables are ideal for a low-calorie diet and for achieving a calorie deficit.

The high water content and healthy fiber in asparagus fill you up quickly and detoxify the body. So if you regularly eat these vegetables, you will support your body with a healthy diet.

Foods containing potassium can regulate high blood pressure. Not only is it rich in potassium, but it also contains substances that improve blood circulation and dilate the vessels.

It’s not just children who need calcium for healthy teeth. With around 20 milligrams of calcium, asparagus covers part of the daily requirement for adults and supports the body’s bone system. This is where most of the calcium is stored, which the body needs for strong bones and teeth.

Anyone suffering from kidney stones should consume asparagus with caution. Small parts of the so-called oxalate can be deposited in the kidneys and thus promote the formation of kidney stones.

Too much asparagus can also lead to gout. The high water content causes uric acid levels to rise and can lead to joint problems. If the acid cannot be excreted in the urine, the purines are deposited in the joints and cause pain.

The original for this post “This is what happens to your body if you eat asparagus often” comes from FitForFun.