Patient talks about ME/CFE: Then the doctor said: “Better shoot yourself, it’s cheaper”

At just 49 years old, Tim Braune, former chief reporter for the “Rheinische Post”, is retired. The reason: He fell ill with Long Covid and ME/CFS after a corona infection. Now he speaks impressively about his illness.

Braune was vaccinated three times, but it didn’t protect him. Following his corona infection, he became ill with long Covid and ME/CFS. The abbreviation stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is a complex, neuroimmunological disease that affects many areas of the body. Shopping, making bread, showering or other everyday activities become an effort.

Braune has been retired since April. In the “Rheinische Post” he now reports in impressive words about his illness. On Saturday (May 11th) his sister recited the text at a demo in Cologne.

Braune went to his family doctor in February 2022 after his corona infection. The father of the family reports that his exhaustion was getting worse and worse. The doctor’s words couldn’t be more drastic. According to Braune, he said: “Better shoot yourself, it’s cheaper.” Other doctors didn’t want to or couldn’t help Braune. When he did find a doctor, the brown man put him down, told him that ME/CFS didn’t exist, that everything was made up and made up.

Braune reports vividly about his illness. He says, “I miss everything. I am becoming more and more invisible.” He is “a ghost that cries silently.” After 6 p.m. no one is allowed to enter his room, including his children and the rest of the family. The so-called “crash risk” is too great. This means that if patients with this diagnosis exert themselves too much – whether mentally or physically – total exhaustion can result.

Braune’s mother occupies a special place in his story. She has been looking after her son around the clock for a year, doing everything that Braune can no longer do. She gets 1.69 euros an hour from her health insurance company.

Braune’s sister reads the text on Saturday at the Cologne Heumarkt – on the occasion of the nationwide awareness day for ME/CFS, which is taking place today, May 12th, one of twelve demos is taking place there across Germany. The demonstrators, mostly relatives or friends of those affected, lie down on the asphalt and remain silent. The protest aims to encourage better care for ME/CFS patients and more research.

The Federal Association ME/CFS provides detailed information on the topic here. A donation link is also provided.