Harms plants: weeds sprout everywhere! Here’s how to banish it from your garden now

In early summer, the garden, terrace and balcony are at their best – if it weren’t for the weeds that also sprout lushly. Weed treatment is therefore at the top of the to-do list for hobby gardeners in the coming weeks.

These are often not only disturbing for aesthetic reasons, but can also take away space, light, water and nutrients from the actual cultivated plants. The result: reduced growth and lower crop yields.

In addition, pests can thrive on weeds, which then pass on to the actual garden or patio plants. In order for the garden to thrive optimally, it is important to identify weeds early and remove them sustainably.

When garden or terrace plants literally explode in spring, it is not always easy, especially for laypeople, to identify actual weeds.

Dr. Regina Fischer from the Agrar Industry Association. V. (IVA) has a tip for this: “It is best for new gardeners to only plant a few different plants in the bed. This way they can keep a good eye on what they have planted themselves and what comes along unintentionally.”

If in doubt, laypeople can let the plants run wild until the first flowers bloom. At that point, unwanted guests can be easily identified.

The most effective way is weeding, i.e. pulling out the plants including their roots. The soil should be rich in humus and appropriately loose. A weed wrench can also help to completely remove the roots.

Hacking can also help as an alternative method. However, there is often a risk that some of the roots will remain in the ground and the weeds will sprout again at the next opportunity. In addition, weed seeds from the lower layers of the soil reach the surface and germinate there.

On paved surfaces such as paths, borders, sidewalks and terraces, the base ingredient vinegar can help against unwanted plant growth. It should be noted that the base material must be diluted with water in a ratio of 6:4 in accordance with EU regulations.

Biodegradable herbicides can also be used where it is difficult to reach by hand, such as under hedges or bushes. Important: Only use bee-friendly products! Herbicides to protect against insects should also not be used on flowering plants.

If you want to protect your green oasis as preventatively and as best as possible against weeds, you can use various measures, such as planting the perennial bed so densely that no soil can be seen from June onwards. The weeds also have little space.

Another option is to cover the relevant areas with mulching material. Ideally, the lawn clippings can be taken from mowing. Other organic “waste” such as hedge cuttings or leaves from your own garden are also suitable and sustainable. Alternatively, bark mulch is also available from any garden supply store.

Frequent hoeing is recommended for kitchen gardens, especially with young plants. And last but not least, the IVA recommends sweeping paved areas and paths regularly. This basically nips the weeds in the bud.

The original for this article “Weeds are sprouting everywhere! This is how you can banish them from your garden now” comes from chip.de.