Test bench | Convenient…and tasty bites?

New on the market, Monsieur MaBoule offers gourmet bites with very original combinations, including chili con carne, lobster or ham risotto, cheese and mushrooms. Our testers tried the shrimp, coconut and lemon balls.

Our test bench’s favorite, these balls won over the taste buds of the testers. They liked the tasty stuffing containing pieces of shrimp and the crunchy breading. The presence of coconut brings a sweet touch which charmed the team. Comments like “I like this! » or “that’s good! » were heard from all sides during the tasting. The only downside: the testers would have liked to find a sauce in the box of these bites to accompany them. On the Monsieur MaBoule website, we suggest serving them with a slightly spicy pink mayonnaise recipe.

Thin, crispy dough containing a stuffing that comes in two varieties: the first, with scallops, cream cheese and lemon, the second, with salmon, cream cheese, basil, dill and lemon. Prepared by the French company Maison Thiriet, this product is available in Quebec exclusively at Cool

The perfectly crispy envelope of these chaplains contains a tasty stuffing. “It tastes like real salmon! “exclaimed one tester. Of the two varieties, the one with pink flesh fish was the most popular, some testers having found the lemon too present in the scallop variation. “I would buy that,” summed up another colleague. From Maison Thiriet, the team also tasted mini cheese crispies which received a less enthusiastic reception. In both cases, it has been lamented that it is almost impossible to differentiate the varieties by eye once cooked. An informed host will clearly identify their trays.

For 40 years, President’s Choice has released its Holiday Finds Journal each year, which includes around a hundred products, the majority of which are new. Among them are these parmesan and black truffle polenta fries.

If we had to give a grade to these hors d’oeuvres, they would get a passing grade, nothing more. “It’s okay,” summed up a few testers. “The truffle flavor is there. It’s creamy polenta,” a colleague described, adding that “it’s not bad.” A good aioli sauce or dip would enhance the taste of these somewhat bland appetizers, the team concluded.

Specializing in frozen Asian dishes, the Laval company Kim Lam launched fried dumplings last fall to reheat in the oven or in an air fryer.

Fried dumplings? Not everyone liked the basic idea, with some much preferring traditional dumplings. Even though we followed the oven cooking advice on the box, the coating was too dry for the taste of the majority of testers. The stuffing, including ground chicken, napa cabbage, green onions and roasted garlic, was well seasoned, according to some guests. Others, however, found it too dry. A little sauce might have changed things. A little soy sauce might have changed things. Company owner Kim Lam suggests serving the dumplings with a mixture of soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, grated ginger and chili sauce.