The short film Chat mort, directed by Annie-Claude Caron and Danick Audet, won the Best Narrative Short Film award at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York.

The film had its world premiere this week, in official competition in the Narrative Shorts section. The prize won allows the film to be eligible for the Oscar race. Quebec director Gabrielle Demers also won a special mention from the jury for Nuit blonde.

Produced by La Boîte à Fanny, Astrid Barrette Tessier and Sophie Valcourt, Dead Cat is a black comedy starring Léane Labrèche-Dor and Pierre-Yves Cardinal. The film also counts in its cast the young Lilas-Rose Cantin, whose performance was highlighted in Tribeca, Evelyne Rompré and Lila Sofia Houle.

“Among the impressive list of narrative shorts, Dead Cat stood out as a comprehensive work that surprised, amused and resonated on a universal level. This film tells the story of parents who try to protect their daughter from the reality of death, but it does so with as much humor as it does depth,” said the festival jury.