The ideal Sunday of Sophie Fouron

She is lively, spontaneous, warm, just like her Sundays. Host Sophie Fouron takes advantage of this day that she loves to rest, see the people she loves, drink cappuccinos, walk around her neighborhood and play tennis…preferably at the net to be able to chat!

Sunday is his favorite day, because it is synonymous with rest. “I like to do nothing and I don’t feel guilty! It starts with a sleep in, essential to my proper functioning, then it will be soft music and long conversations that we did not have time to have during the week. In this spring season, we take out the bikes, the deckchairs in the yard and we admire the little leaves that come out of the trees, because this color, the soft green, it galvanizes me. It doesn’t stress me out to see my flower bed unfinished, one day my plants will bloom! We are so into performance and things to do all the time. There are always clothes to put away, windows to clean, but that can wait! »

“Our 23-year-old daughter has left home, our 19-year-old daughter is here, but she is living her life as a young adult and now we have a lot more freedom. For 20 years, our life was orchestrated around family life and all of a sudden we have plenty of moments of freedom and it’s wonderful! I like my role as a mother, but it’s true that it’s not always easy to juggle between work and family and to continue to have a life as a couple. We went through those crazy years and now we’re in another amazing stage of having kids that age. This generation really challenges us, these young people are uncompromising, they have concrete principles, they are revolutionaries and that’s good. I thought I was open-minded, but in the end, not so much! It is a privilege to have children who put us in our place, who question everything. We take it for his cold and we have big and intense discussions! »

“An ideal Sunday is when I go for a cappuccino at Café de Mercanti on Monkland Avenue. Then there is La Meunerie Urbaine, an exceptional bakery where the croissants are fabulous, the breads are incredible, it smells good, it’s bliss! I like to walk on Monkland Avenue. I meet people, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, I talk to them for half an hour and I like it a lot, much to the chagrin of my daughters, because getting bread in the morning can take two hours! I like good neighborliness and I have an interest in others, it’s part of who I am. Right now, that’s ideal. The weather is nice, we chat, these are precious moments. I can call my sister who will join me with her children, there is something of the clan and the neighborhood that I cherish. I often say happiness is other people, but with a cappuccino and a croissant! »

“I am very family. I lost my father last October, but for many years there was the traditional Sunday dinner at my parents’ house with my two sisters and our children. We still organize some, but it is less systematic. We can have a more relaxed 4 to 7. I love the aperitif, the charcuterie platters, but it has to end early, we get home at 9 p.m.! It is important to maintain our ties, to give ourselves the time to take care of the people we love, who are precious to us. I have more time now, I see my friends more and I love it, this newfound freedom. This time that we now have after years of family whirlwind with the children, with my friends, we are overjoyed! There is also an urgency to live. We lost friends, there were illnesses. It’s a beautiful time in our lives, it’s a privilege to grow old and to be able to enjoy it with the people we love. »

” I love tennis ! I’m not very good, I only play in the summer on the municipal tennis courts. It’s so nice, whether it’s in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Parc La Fontaine or Parc Jeanne-Mance. I’m a Sunday player, in that I don’t play very well, but I’m very enthusiastic. I play at net a lot, because we’re always talking at net! When you make good shots, in tennis, it’s a feeling that’s truly unmatchable! »