Wisdom and humor on TikTok

In 2020, comedian Rachid Badouri felt old as he asked “What is TikTok?” in the middle of an interview at La Semaine des 4 Julie. Three years later, the comedian knows the ultrapopular platform better and he is followed by 2.5 million subscribers.

Badouri remembers with amusement his ignorance on the set of Julie Snyder. “When I asked the question, everyone turned to me and I felt the Earth stop for five seconds,” he laughed. Back home, Mehdi Bousaidan called me to tell me that I really looked like a jerk and to suggest that I try TikTok. »

His first video quickly reached 200,000 views. Since then, he has obtained 2, 8, even 14 million views for his ideas, which often feature his family. “Views and comments dictate my content. If I shoot a video alone, I am regularly asked what my father thinks of it, which implies that people are eager to see him again. »

Despite its immense popularity, the content creator is not immune to the fickleness of the algorithm. “Recently, I was sure I would hit a million views with a video, but I didn’t even make 100,000.”

He feels that the statistics obtained during the pandemic are difficult to achieve today.

The new listening habits are far from convincing him to stop his production. “What I do on TikTok is fiction: an area that appeals to me enormously. I love creating a script. I don’t have as much time to put into it as I did during the pandemic, but I still have fun. »

Fun to write the videos, to shoot them and even… to edit them. “For 10 years, I have edited my videos myself. It hasn’t always been pretty. I still use iMovie on my computer. Several director friends laugh at me, but I love the editing. »

He also has no qualms about using TikTok to reach younger fans. “I’m always amazed to see very young viewers in my venues. Sometimes people are in pajamas! It touches me to see that it speaks to them. »

The interest it arouses in children and adolescents comes with a desire to create especially for them. “I once made a video about how when I was younger, I was an insufferable young fresher who was useless. I played myself young and I played a big brother. It really lifted. On the other hand, I can’t arrive by saying: “Yo young people, how are you?” I am 46 years old. I am almost a grandfather. I can not do that ! »

The tiktokers who are over 40 are no longer rare birds and their subscribers are not only young people from Generation Z. The proof, lawyer Sophie Mongeon and psychologist Véro Ménard produce advice videos related to their fields of expertise and unite tens of thousands of people of all generations.

With its 65,000 subscribers, the account of Me Sophie, lawyer is a source of legal information that allows its creator to speak directly to people. “I’ve always had a marketing vision,” explains Me Sophie Mongeon. The kind of law I do lends itself to that. I do exclusively civil law. »

She seeks to equip people before problems arise.

His first video, about spinning, quickly racked up views. “Even better, I saw that people were subscribing to my account. It is an additional allegiance. Bit by bit, it got bigger. »

For the past year, the Dre Véro Psy account has been offering psychological education on several subjects: borderline personality disorder, narcissism, autism, anxiety, depression, etc. “I try to be as accessible as possible, while observing the code of ethics and respecting the laws so as not to harm the public,” says Véro Ménard.

Also present on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, the psychologist is much more followed on TikTok, with 37,000 subscribers. “People seem to like my style, my color and my personality. Not just 15-21 year olds. The audience is very large. Subscribers love a clear, solid message delivered authentically. You can’t just churn out unscientific information. »

Me Mongeon is also followed by subscribers of all ages: 34% of its subscribers are between 25 and 44 years old, while 22% are between 35 and 44 years old and 32% are between 18 and 24 years old. “Young people are interested. Many people want to become lawyers and follow my Mondays live from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. I sometimes end up with 11,000 likes. She thinks that’s a lot for French-language legal content. ” I do not dance. I do not sing. I’m sitting in my office talking quietly. »

The psychologist is also very proud to have content that reaches young people.

Posting about 20 videos a month, she takes the time to write text that scrolls through her teleprompter. “I make sure what I say is thoughtful. When I am in the public square as a psychologist, I have the obligation to be more scientific than in public opinion. »

Building on the rigor inherent in his 25 years of experience, Me Mongeon expresses himself with less preparation. “I don’t have a teleprompter. I do three or four takes per video. Even if I mess up my grammar or get cross-eyed for a second, when the rest of the video is good, I play it. I want to show young people that you don’t always have to be perfect. »