Animal rights activists in NRW shocked: woman collected rats in her apartment – ​​in the end there were 800 animals

In NRW there was a creepy case of so-called “animal hoarding”. This is what the addiction to “collecting” animals is called. It could be cats, dogs or guinea pigs, but in this case it was rats.

The woman in whose apartment in Altenkirchen near Bochum 800 pet rats were found only had two of the animals at first. Part of the course of the disease is that the number of animals keeps growing and those affected are no longer aware that the animals in their care are not doing well. This is also the case with this woman – she did not respond to letters from the city, writes the Rheinische Post.

It was neighbors who eventually reported the case. The animals were confiscated by the veterinary office of the district of Altenkirchen. Two animal protection associations from North Rhine-Westphalia helped. The “Emergency Rats Rhein-Ruhr” from Bochum and the “Male Rats Aid North Rhine” got the rats out of the apartment on Tuesday. Pet rats are rats bred to be pets.

“We were there from 9 a.m., it took until the evening to get the rats out that were in poor condition or pregnant,” says an animal rights activist. She describes the bad condition of the apartment: There was feces everywhere, many rats ran around freely in all rooms.

Another campaign is scheduled for next week, in which the remaining animals are to be fetched. Since many female animals are pregnant, 1000 rats are expected in the end, for which new foster homes are being sought.

A separate mailbox was set up for the placement of rats. Anyone who would like to keep a rat as a pet can contact:

However, a place has already been found for many rats. “Thanks to great, dear people, we have already managed to organize a place for around 500 animals,” says a post on Facebook.

The woman herself was not insightful. An administrative offense procedure was initiated against them.

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