Outrage after the coffin campaign: “Dear last generation, I walked behind a child’s coffin – my daughter was in it”

Activists from the “Last Generation” disrupted a wedding fair in Aalen last Sunday and staged a funeral march with children’s coffins and grave lights. The indignation at the protest is huge – especially parents who actually had to bury their newborn children are shocked.

There are scenes that leave you stunned: At a wedding fair in Aalen, Baden-Württemberg, climate activists from the “last generation” dressed in black stride through the event room. A man is carrying a white child’s coffin and a grave candle, the woman next to him is holding a white lily in her hand.

The staged funeral march is intended to draw attention to the supposedly uncertain future of the fair visitors’ children who have not yet been born. Activist Florian Funk explains on Twitter: “We mourn the unborn children as victims of the climate crisis. We are the last generation that can still prevent this.”

The activists are asked to leave the premises. According to a report by the “Schwäbische Post”, they also peacefully comply with the request. But the outrage about the action is great after FOCUS online reported on Wednesday.

Many FOCUS online readers describe the staged funeral procession in Aalen as “macabre”, “impious”, “disgusting” and “sick”. But above all parents of so-called star children who died before, during or shortly after birth were particularly shocked by the action. When they saw the children’s coffin they brought back terrible memories.

FOCUS online reader Evi Meier writes: “Dear members of the last generation. I walked behind a child’s coffin in July 2021. Inside was my daughter. If only they had some decency…that’s all there is to say. Shame yourself. On behalf of all parents of Star Children.”

Roland Schneider also described the group’s protest in Aalen as “disrespectful”. He writes: “Anyone who has ever carried their own child to the grave knows what a child’s coffin means. Only one’s own ideology is represented here without consideration.”

FOCUS online reader Ulrich Wagner is also shocked and calls the action “quiet and tactless”: “Anyone who has ever had to hold and carry a child’s coffin as a father or pastor can only have contempt for such ideologues (…).”

The carrying of the white children’s coffin also outraged reader Inna Backl. She thinks: “It couldn’t get any more tasteless. These crazies have no clue what it’s like to need a child’s coffin, to have to walk behind it and to have to bury a loved one.”

Many other FOCUS online readers are outraged that the activists used a child’s coffin as a means of demonstration and so consciously accepted that parents of star children might be confronted with their loss again. “People who recently lost a child under tragic circumstances could also be at this fair. Such nonsense must be the purest trauma for them,” comments Leif Klosterle and finds harsh words for the coffin activists: “I can’t believe how humanely degenerate one can be”.

For parents of star children, the loss of their child is often a traumatic experience and great psychological stress. The federal association “Das Frühgeburte Kind” (The Premature Child) helps affected families, among other things, with targeted mourning work. The chairman of the board of this association also considers the protest action of the “last generation” to be completely wrong.

Compared to FOCUS online, Barbara Mitschdörfer says: “With all understanding for the startling climate actions, the images of a funeral march with children’s coffins for parents who had to experience the loss of a child are certainly an extremely stressful sight that goes beyond the goal for the precarious Wanting to raise awareness of the world situation misses the mark.”

In view of the outrage of many people about the coffin protest, FOCUS online wanted to know the following from the “Last Generation” on Wednesday:

However, FOCUS online did not receive any answers to these questions from the “Last Generation” by Thursday afternoon.

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