“I don’t want to justify it at all”: activist spokesman finds clear words for Asia trip of the climate sticker

They stuck to the climate and then flew to Asia on vacation: the two activists Yannick S. and Luisa S. shook their heads with their long-haul flight. Jakob Beyer, spokesman for the activist group “Last Generation”, has now also criticized the trip of his two fellow campaigners.

“I don’t even want to justify it, I can understand the displeasure,” said Beyer on “Stern TV am Sonntag”. Climate activism and private air travel “do not go together”. At the same time, he defended his two comrades-in-arms. “The fact that we are committed to the climate does not mean that we behave perfectly,” he said.

The 30-year-old also criticizes the communication of the activist group. After the flight became known, they said that the activists had “booked the flight as private individuals”. Beyer described the quote as “unfortunate”, you can’t really separate it that way.

The activist spokesman announced more disruptive actions across the country this week. “We will disrupt wherever we can disrupt public life,” said Beyer. Central demands of the last generation are the introduction of a speed limit on German autobahns and a permanent 9-euro ticket.