“Goodbye Germany”: Emigrant experienced “hell” in Sweden, now the tide is turning for her

She was at the center of what is probably the darkest chapter in the history of “Goodbye Germany”, but now there is something positive to report from Julia Siefert-Winter. The 30-year-old, who suffered a nightmare with her then partner when emigrating to Sweden, is newly in love.

“I never would have thought it possible,” she writes to her followers on her Instagram account. “I am so overjoyed. It hit me straight in the heart out of nowhere.”

On New Year’s Eve last year, the paths of two “lone wolves” crossed, she reports of a fateful encounter in a good sense. Apparently, referring to a previous post, she describes her new boyfriend as a “mysterious Swedish snowmobile cowboy”.

She never thought it possible that she could be so lucky again. “But it happened. I love and am loved back.” After five years “through hell and back” her heart is now beating again.

Under the title “Stern Crime: The Nightmare Man”, a documentary series on TVNOW (today RTL) and later on VOX in 2021 told about the drama of the young woman. Julia and her boyfriend at the time emigrated from northern Germany to Swedish Lapland in 2018 and were accompanied by a camera team for the “Goodbye Germany” series.

The then 25-year-old wanted to realize her lifelong dream and breed huskies in the snowy wasteland. On site, however, this idyllic facade defoliated like in a horror film. Julia had to realize that she had trusted a notorious liar and criminal.

Her great love not only concealed horrendous debts, three marriages, four children and a stay in prison. Shortly before emigrating, he killed his mother and buried her body in concrete.

This was the conclusion reached by the Göttingen Regional Court in 2018, which sentenced him to 13 years in prison for manslaughter. Julia narrowly escaped her partner in Sweden – due to research and warnings from her father.

Lucas Cordalis did not exactly become a crowd favorite in the jungle camp. Even behind the cameras there was little sympathy for Daniela Katzenberger’s husband, as show author Micky Beisenherz has now revealed.

Anne Will surprised a few weeks ago with her soon-to-be talk show – something has also changed privately with the presenter: she is said to be newly in love. Her new friend is 26 years younger and writer Helene Hegemann.

The original of this post “Emigrant experienced “hell” in Sweden, now the tide is turning for her” comes from Teleschau.