“I love life” interpreter: That’s what hit icon Vicky Leandros does today

“No, don’t worry about me. you know i love life And if I still cry for you sometimes, it will surely pass”. And, do you already have an earworm? You would not be alone in this. Because the song is still one of the most successful songs in the hit industry – and of course Vicky Leandro’s (70) greatest hits. In 2023 the name is still the program, because the icon is going on tour for the very last time. After that it’s over. BUNTE.de knows the future plans of the grande dame of hits – and reminisces again.

Vicky Leandros was born Vassiliki Papathanasiou in 1952 on the Greek island of Corfu. Her father Leandros Papathanasiou is a composer, singer and producer. It goes without saying that he gave his daughter talent in the cradle. Even as a child, Vicky had rhythm in her blood. While many young girls have career aspirations such as veterinarian, police officer or princess, Vassiliki knew early on: “I wanted to be a singer. Just that and nothing else!” A dream that was to become reality.

At the age of 13, “Messer, Gabel, Schere, Licht” became the singing talent’s first single. Two years later Vicky Leandros achieved fourth place in the Eurovision Song Contest with “L’amour est bleu”. The final breakthrough came in 1972. The singer wins the ESC for Luxembourg with “Après toi” – a song that her dad wrote for her together with Klaus Munro. At only 20 years old, the artist has achieved what millions of singers dream of. “Après toi” was recorded in seven languages, sold more than four million copies, and broke all records. Vicky Leandros dominates the charts – and really gets going.

The songs Papa Leo writes for his daughter invariably go through the roof. Vicky Leandros is a star far beyond the German-speaking world. The vocal talent conquers the world of music: South Africa, Indonesia, Korea, India, Australia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. There are only a few stages that the multi-talent has not seen with his own eyes. The albums of the power of the voice rake in a string of gold and platinum awards. From 1975 Vicky, who likes to wear oversized sunglasses, also conquers America and records in the legendary Nashville Studio. Once at the top, the grande dame of Schlager finally takes a step back for her family.

Professionally, Vicky Leandros is at the peak of her career in the 1980s. At the same time, she is also privately on cloud nine. Even if both of her marriages – with building contractor Ivan Zissiadis and landowner Enno von Ruffin – should not last, the artist was blessed with three healthy children. To this day, Leandros (42), Maximiliane (38) and Sandra (36) are the greatest happiness of the “I love life” interpreter. In order to be able to watch her offspring grow up, Vicky reduces her creative work, accepts only limited projects and plays fewer concerts. She no longer releases albums every year – but remains successful thanks to her established talent.

But not only her own three children, the hit star also wants to give beautiful moments to other people. Vicky Leandros has been supporting children who have been injured in accidents with heart and soul for many years. Her commitment to the little ones even brought the native Greek a big marriage: in 2015 she was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for her commitment. The musician is also an ambassador for the José Carreras Foundation and volunteers for development aid in Africa. Without a doubt: From the musical talent to her mom role to the social vein – Vicky Leandros can look back on eventful decades. After more exciting years – including taking part in “The Masked Singer” in 2020 – the entertainer decides: 70 is the end.

After a total of 57 years on stage, the singer announced in 2022 that she would like to retire from October 2023. But Vicky wouldn’t be Vicky if she didn’t end her great career with a bang. With “I love life! – My farewell tour” the exceptional artist soon says goodbye. As is well known, where one door closes, another opens.

The grande dame of Schlager reveals to BUNTE.de what she wants for the future: “I don’t plan to fulfill many wishes. I’d rather fulfill other people’s wishes. My heart’s desire – and I think so many people’s – is that the war in Ukraine just stop. That we can live together peacefully in Europe,” she explains. After the last big tour, she doesn’t necessarily want to be in the limelight anymore, but she does want to be behind the stove at home: “I cook for the whole family almost every day and always for friends.” The power woman, who commutes between Berlin, Hamburg and Greece, has even written a cookbook. Incidentally, the focus will soon be on Vicky’s grandchildren in particular: “I always have time for them”. In 1991 she released the record “Just a Moment” – and Vicky Leandros will definitely learn to appreciate the moment all over again after the last trembling applause in October 2023.

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The original of this post “That’s what hit icon Vicky Leandros is doing today” comes from Bunte.de.