Only oatmeal and fruit: After changing his diet, Gerhard Schröder looks completely different

Many people use the beginning of the year to make new resolutions, such as exercising more, quitting smoking or changing their diet. A prominent example of this is apparently Gerhard Schröder. His wife Soyeon already announced on Instagram that the two have a new nutrition plan. Oatmeal, oat milk, fruit, walnuts and flaxseed are now the main ingredients on the Schröders’ plates. This somewhat monotonous diet seems to work wonders for the former chancellor. At least that’s how it seems when you look at the before and after picture that his wife has now posted on her account.

In the past year in particular, the former chancellor made a lot of negative headlines. After the start of the Ukraine war, he irritated the public by not publicly positioning himself clearly against Russian President Putin’s war of aggression – Gerhard Schröder has been criticized for years for his commitment to Russian state-owned companies.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach even acknowledged that he was “ bordering on a joke figure ” when Schröder attempted to mediate in the Ukraine war. Singer Marius Müller-Westernhagen also publicly settled accounts with his former friend: “Power and money corrupt,” he told “”. He has previously criticized Schröder’s close ties to Putin.

Actress Melinda Dillon passed away on January 9th. She is known from classics such as “Merry Christmas” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. The actress has also been nominated twice for an Oscar. She leaves behind a son.

The rumors about an extramarital affair by husband Peter Klein were probably too much for Iris Klein – she had to go to the hospital. Now she reports to Instagram: She discharged herself from the hospital. A discussion between her and her husband is now to follow.

Boris Becker is apparently enjoying life to the fullest after his imprisonment: the six-time Grand Slam winner should not only enjoy his newfound freedom, but also lead a life in the lap of luxury. However, his insolvency administrator does not like that at all.

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