TV column: Konny Reimann as a registrar – he trusts his friends

Konny and Manu Reimann’s road trip is coming to an end. Before going back home, Manu has a special surprise in store for her husband in “Welcome to the Reimanns”. On his 67th birthday, in addition to Black Forest cake and the crocodile piñata made by Manu, there is also an adrenaline rush.

Manu still had an “extra surprise” up his sleeve for her husband, for which she had pulled the strings days before – and which Konny apparently could hardly wait: “I hope that I’ll get a real challenge,” he said and should be spot on, as it turned out the next day.

At a remote airfield near Seattle, Konny was already expecting businesswoman Marilyn, who offers wing walking for adrenaline junkies. Behind it was nothing less than a flight in a double-decker aircraft – including a “trip” to the wings. “You learn to climb on the plane,” the organizer explained on the floor during dry runs. “The flight maneuvers that we do are exactly what I have in mind,” enthused Konny about the announced loops.

But first he had to sign a whole pile of papers in order to take sole responsibility for his breakneck project. The emigrant had no concerns, on the contrary: “I’m looking forward to climbing out of there. I hope that it will be really fast.” Konny joked that he only had to watch out for one thing: “You just can’t go all the way to the front, where the propeller is. Otherwise you won’t have any hands.”

Finally, things got serious at an altitude of 1,000 meters: Konny left his seat in the cockpit, only secured with a wire rope, and climbed around on the wings as a matter of routine. 30 minutes later he jumped out of the plane, now on solid ground again, let out a primal scream and reported to Manu: “When the pilot went up steeply, I thought: ‘Hmm, I don’t have a seat belt.’ I was hanging there like a spider monkey and found myself slipping away. Then I clung to those ropes, my goodness!”

Overjoyed, Konny summed it up: “My dear Scholli, that was fun.” Only when the adrenaline rush had subsided did the celebrant realize: “That was the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done.” There were two moments, “they were life-threatening ” Konny reconstructed. He experienced a moment of shock when climbing onto the upper wing: “If the plane had wobbled, you’d be hanging on the ropes like a wet sack and flapping back and forth.”

A highlight that awaited the Reimanns at home in Hawaii was much more relaxed. Shortly after returning to their own four walls, the emigrants received their friends Esther and Jens. The couple traveled all the way from Germany for a special reason: Konny, a registrar for the state of Hawaii, was supposed to marry his two old friends again for their silver wedding anniversary. “I’m not doing this for money, just out of friendship,” said the master of ceremonies.

Manu took care of everything organizational, ensured the punctual delivery of cakes, stylish floral arrangements and pretty outfits. Only the changeable weather during the Hawaiian rainy season put a spoke in the wheel of the planned celebration. But at the latest when Konny’s shell call heralded the beginning of the ceremony, everything was fine. “It’s hard to keep your emotions under control,” groom Jens said after Konny’s touching wedding speech. Bride Esther agreed: “Nice, totally moved. Everything is loose now!”

In the opening episode of “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser” there was already a lot of sweating. However, the candidates were able to show their first successes on the scales.

The dog “Timmy” keeps Martin Rütter and his dog trainer Marcel busy. The shelter dog is hyper nervous and won’t calm down.

Finale at the “perfect dinner” – participant Linda chose something very special for this. She presents an octopus with potatoes, chestnuts and mushrooms for her comrades-in-arms. At least they are surprised – the feedback for the unusual dinner is mixed.

*The contribution “Konny Reimann as a registrar – he trusts his friends” is published by Teleschau. Contact the person responsible here.