After 150 years: Bachmayer brewery ceases operations

In view of the tense situation caused by high raw material and energy prices and the consequences of the corona pandemic, it is not easy for smaller breweries in this country. As the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” now reports, Bachmayer, another traditional brewery, has to shut down operations.

“Energy, raw materials, I no longer see any prospects for the future,” said boss Josef Hörmann to the SZ. The remaining goods produced in-house are to be sold by the end of April, after which Stand is now finally over.

In addition to supplying many inns, Bachmayer also runs some of its own businesses. Work is to continue until the summer, as there is “still a lot to do” here. In addition to the economic situation, Hörmann also complains about the lack of skilled workers, a problem that “almost all breweries” are currently struggling with.

The German Brewers’ Association recently described 2022 as one of the blackest years in history – the forecasts for 2023 also look bleak. It is not unlikely that the tense situation will force other smaller breweries to stop operating.

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