Alexander Throm: Union shoots against traffic light asylum policy: “Faeser lets municipalities down”

In view of the rapidly increasing number of refugees, the Union has sharply criticized the federal government. “Nancy Faeser wants to become Prime Minister in Hesse, but as Minister of the Interior she is letting the states and municipalities down,” said the domestic policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Alexander Throm, the news magazine FOCUS.

Throm criticized the fact that the federal government was creating new incentives for illegal entry into Germany with additional admission programs. “There has long been a consensus among our EU partners to control and limit migration. Only Germany is going its own way,” said Throm. At the same time, he accused the Federal Minister of the Interior of not returning rejected asylum seekers consistently enough.

The FDP also insists on accelerated deportations. “Criminals and perpetrators, but also people with no prospects of staying, must return to their home countries as quickly as possible,” said the parliamentary director, Stephan Thomae, the FOCUS. The current situation contains “considerable social explosives”. The FDP interior expert called for agreements with countries of origin based on the model of the EU-Turkey deal in order to curb irregular migration.

In 2022, 244,132 people applied for asylum in Germany, the highest level since 2016. In addition, more than a million war refugees came from Ukraine. Many municipalities warn that they are reaching their capacity limits. In a fire letter, the mayor and district administrators of Hesse demand that Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) limit immigration and more deportations. On February 9th and 10th, the heads of state and government of the EU will discuss migration policy at a special summit.

Surf Tips: Official Statistics – Germany: Number of foreigners and people with a migration background is growing