Lateral entry or immigrant teachers would be better: education expert: Söder’s teacher campaign “irresponsible”

Education researcher Dirk Zorn criticizes Prime Minister Markus Söder’s (CSU) plan to introduce poaching campaigns for teachers from other federal states.

The criticism of the poaching campaign announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) from other federal states does not stop. “I think it’s irresponsible what Bayern is doing there. The fact that a country is so explicitly launching a relocation and incentive package is a dam burst,” said educational researcher Dirk Zorn from the Bertelsmann Foundation of the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Thursday edition).

Söder recently announced at the retreat of the CSU state parliamentary group in Kloster Banz that he also wanted to counteract the domestic shortage of teachers by pointing out the advantages of Bavaria in other federal states. This had also caused criticism in other federal states, since the states actually refrain from such poaching campaigns.

Zorn, Director of Education and Next Generation at the Bertelsmann Foundation, emphasized that the shortage of teachers is a nationwide challenge. Söder’s plans “eroded all trust that we as a country will face this task together and give all children opportunities for participation and a good education”.

Zorn advocates making it easier for immigrant teachers to recognize the qualifications they have acquired abroad. He also sees potential in career changers. In contrast to other federal states, comparatively few career changers teach in the Free State. “There is still capacity in Bavaria to ensure that these people are accompanied well,” said Zorn of the “Augsburger Allgemeine.”