District administrator writes fire letter to Scholz: “Situation is getting worse due to the flight movements”

Insufficient living space, no space in the schools, overwhelmed offices: In a fire letter to Chancellor Scholz, the district administrator of the Hessian Main-Taunus district described how the increasing movement of refugees is pushing the district to its limits. The signatories call on Scholz to limit the influx.

“Even today, many local families are finding it very difficult to find adequate living space, and this situation on the housing market is being exacerbated massively by the refugee movements,” writes Michael Cyriax, district administrator of the Main-Taunus district in Hesse, to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Together with twelve mayors and heads of district councils, he has now written a fire letter to the federal government and the Hessian Prime Minister Boris Rhein, calling for more crackdown on migration policy. The letter is available to the “Bild” newspaper.

In their letter, the signatories write that 240,000 people now live in the smallest German district in terms of area. Of these, 8,599 are refugees. Gyms, hotels and private accommodation would be used to accommodate the large numbers of people. The district is already having difficulties finding suitable housing for the rest of the population. There are hardly any vacancies. The schools would also reach their limits due to the influx, as would the offices that register the refugees.

“Control and limit the influx of refugees actively,” the Scholz district representatives demand. The Chancellor must take a close look at who really needs the help and at the same time bring people back to their country who are illegally staying in Germany. In addition, no incentives should be created to settle in Germany for economic reasons. At the same time, the signatories also emphasize that supporting people in need “corresponds to our self-image and our value compass.” Among the signatories is Alexander Immisch, the mayor of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser’s home town of Schwalbach.

Surf tip: Official statistics – Germany: Number of foreigners and people with a migration background is growing