“Hard but fair” in the live ticker: “Last generation” meets the car lobby – now things are getting serious for Klamroth

Talkmaster Louis Klamroth’s relationship with climate activist Luisa Neubauer even occupies the WDR broadcasting council. Can Klamroth discuss the climate impartially? At least he wants to try this Monday. FOCUS online accompanies the show from 9 p.m. in the live ticker.

These are the guests:

“How is the climate crisis changing everyday life?” asks Louis Klamroth in the ARD talk “hard but fair” this Monday evening. And he could almost give the answer himself, because his relationship with climate activist and “Fridays-for-Future” face Louisa Neubauer is not just a concern for the media. The WDR Broadcasting Council also wants to discuss the personnel on Tuesday.

Klamroth is said to have only made his relationship with Neubauer public after signing his contract as Frank Plasberg’s successor. It is possible that he violated the compliance guidelines of the WDR.

Now things are getting serious for Klamroth on Monday: for the first time since the change of moderation, climate change is an issue. Specifically: “Last descent: How is the climate crisis changing everyday life?”

From the green snow slopes in the Alps, it’s all about the whole thing: “Will the climate crisis soon force people to do without? Despite everything, why is Germany missing its climate targets again? And how radical can the protest against it be?”

One of the participants in the discussion was Aimée van Baalen, spokeswoman for the activist group “Last Generation”. Her fellow campaigners caused a stir with sticking campaigns on streets and public squares throughout Germany. Hildegard Müller, President of the Association of the Automotive Industry, will not think much of such protests due to her position. The meteorologist Sven Plöger repeatedly warns of the tremendous consequences of man-made global warming.

Can Klamroth moderate the discussion without losing face? Will the moderator speak about the WDR Broadcasting Council meeting? Withdraw from the discussion? The media interest in the climate talk should be high on Monday. Then it will be seen whether “hard but fair” lives up to its name.