Gender pay gap has remained the same since 2020: women in Germany continue to earn around 18 percent less than men

According to the statistics office, women will also earn less than men in 2022. With comparable work and qualifications, they earned around seven percent less than their male colleagues. Overall, the difference was 18 percent – and has therefore stagnated since 2020.

In Germany, women in 2022 earned 18 percent less per hour than men. This corresponds to the discrepancy from the years 2020 and 2021. According to the Federal Statistical Office on Monday, the hourly wage of women averaged 20.05 euros in 2022, that of men 24.36 euros. With “comparable qualifications, work and employment history”, the earnings gap is still around seven percent.

As the statistical office explained, almost two thirds of the gender-specific differences in earnings are due to the fact that women are more likely to work in lower-paid professions and that they work part-time more often. If these factors are eliminated, the “adjusted earnings gap” remains at seven percent.

The statisticians point out that there are likely to be other reasons for the difference in earnings that have not yet been taken into account, such as career breaks due to pregnancy, the birth of children or caring for relatives. “The adjusted gender pay gap is therefore to be understood as an ‘upper limit’ for merit discrimination,” they explained.

In a long-term comparison, the gender pay gap is decreasing. At the beginning of the measurement in 2006, it was still 23 percent. There is still a big difference between western and eastern Germany, but it is decreasing: in the east, women earned seven percent less in 2022, in the west it was 19 percent. In 2006 the gap was six percent in the east and 24 percent in the west.

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