First aid kit, compulsory masks, energy-saving lamps: These are the changes from February 2023

February 2023 has some changes in store for people. One of the biggest innovations is the abolition of the mask requirement in public transport. In addition, the energy price brake takes effect in February and a new standard for first-aid kits becomes binding. You can read all the changes here at FOCUS online.

New laws and changes from February 2023 will affect the everyday life of many people. From the energy price brake to wind turbines or energy lamps, consumers are faced with a lot. You can get an overview of the changes and innovations here in the article.

A year ago, a new standard for car first aid kits was defined, which will apply from February 2023. From February 1st, 2023, the new DIN standard 13164:22 will apply to first-aid kits in cars. This stipulates that drivers must carry a first-aid kit with them, which contains two face masks in addition to the previous equipment. The triangular cloth and bandage cloth no longer need to be carried along for this purpose.

A new first aid kit does not have to be bought separately. However, the existing one must be expanded to include the two masks.

Tip: car – two masks in the first aid kit are mandatory: from when penalties are imminent

In some federal states, the mask requirement in local public transport was abolished at the end of last year. From the beginning of February 2023, masks will no longer be compulsory in long-distance public transport throughout Germany. According to Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, the current pandemic situation allows people to take personal responsibility and be voluntary.

In Hamburg and NRW, the regulation applies from February 1, 2023. Hesse, Bremen, Lower Saxony, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate have the deadline on February 2.

The change from February affects the obligation to insulate: In some federal states and cities, this does not apply after a corona infection. In Hamburg from February 1st, in Bremen and Lower Saxony from February 2nd and in Thuringia from February 3rd.

By 2030, the federal government intends to double electricity from renewable energies. For this purpose, the “Wind-on-Land” law was passed, which will apply from February 2023. In essence, this is about significantly accelerating the expansion of wind turbines.

The federal government wants to achieve its goals by accelerating the approval process for the construction of wind turbines on land and by making more land available. The minimum distance is also newly regulated.

Last year, the government decided on an energy price brake to relieve the financial burden on citizens, which will apply from March 2023. The months of January and February are capped retrospectively, but are not paid out or settled until March.

The price brake for electricity is 40 cents per kilowatt hour, for gas 12 cents per kilowatt hour. The new regulation also provides for a cap for long-distance heating: This is 9.5 cents per kilowatt hour.

The energy price brake refers to 80 percent of the consumption compared to the previous year’s consumption. The remaining 20 percent is remunerated at the provider’s fixed price.

Surf tip: After gas, now also electricity – Bundestag decides gas and electricity price brake

A good decade ago, energy-saving lamps replaced light bulbs in German households. From February 2023 it will also be over with the energy-saving lamps. The federal government has passed a law to abolish lamps and lights, among other things because of the danger to health and the environment from the mercury built into them.

The change affects the fluorescent lamps with a plug-in base and in the form of a ring. They may no longer be produced from next month. The remainder of the energy-saving lamps may still be sold. Fluorescent tubes and high- and low-voltage halogen lamps will also be banned from August 2023.

The alternative are LED lamps, which are manufactured entirely without the toxic additive. Another advantage is that LED lamps require much less electricity than energy-saving lamps.

The deadline for filing property tax returns is coming to an end. Many real estate owners are frustrated because they don’t know exactly how much they will have to deduct from 2025. A key factor here is the municipal tax rate. And now it seems to be going up.

Two people were killed and seven injured in a knife attack on a regional train from Kiel to Hamburg on Wednesday. A man attacked travelers with a knife before arriving at Brokstedt station. The suspect is known to the police and has been arrested. All news in the ticker.