“XXL government, XXL administration and XXL debts”: 10,000 new officials – traffic lights inflate to become an expensive mega-government

There was something else in the coalition agreement: they wanted to be economical. And when they were still in opposition, the Greens and FDP had sharply criticized the increase in administrative staff. But now the traffic light government is doing the same as its predecessors. And in XXL format.

The traffic light government made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP, which has been in office for a good year, has massively created jobs in the administration and the ministries in the first few months of their term. This is the result of calculations by the taxpayers’ association, which are available exclusively to FOCUS online and the “WirtschaftsKurier”.

According to this, almost 2,000 additional positions have been approved by the respective leadership in the federal ministries and in the Chancellery. These are almost exclusively civil servant positions. The entire federal administration has been expanded by more than 10,000 jobs to around 300,000 since the 2021 election year.

Immediately after being sworn in in December 2021, the traffic light coalition recruited more and more staff in the federal ministries and in the Chancellery, states the President of the Taxpayers’ Association, Reiner Holznagel, and speaks of a “massive increase in staff”. And further: “The traffic light in the coalition agreement announced that all tasks would be put to the test and that unnecessary expenditure would be reduced. But what we are seeing is exactly the opposite – an XXL government, an XXL administration and now also XXL debts !“ The ministries justify the job growth with the accomplishment of new tasks that would result from the coalition agreement. The traffic light thus seamlessly continues the course already taken by the previous government.

According to earlier reports, ministries led by the SPD and the Greens want a particularly large number of additional posts: Chancellor Olaf Scholz, for example, after five months in office last April, called for a further 75 posts for his chancellorship. Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) needed more than 100 additional employees, as did the Interior and Building Ministries.

These two departments had previously been managed together. The separation led to a massive increase in personnel – but not to the desired success: Construction Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) has so far not succeeded in sparking construction activity outside of her own recruitment.

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The additional administrative costs are likely to be more than 100 million euros. Top civil servants with a salary of more than 15,000 euros are also among the new hires. “The traffic light ministers have lost all measure,” criticized Union opposition leader Friedrich Merz in November. Since then, however, the job creation has progressed unabated.

In the past legislative period, the CDU and SPD had created around 2,500 jobs. Budget politicians from the Greens and the FDP had sharply criticized this at the time

The article “10,000 new civil servants – traffic lights inflate into an expensive mega-government” comes from WirtschaftsKurier.