“I was bitten by a racist”: AfD politician is said to have bitten and insulted the moderator

According to her statements, the presenter Steph Karl (30) was violently racially abused and beaten by AfD politician Kai Borrmann in August 2021, reports “Bild” and “Tagesspiegel” among others. The district councilor is also said to have bitten her, according to the allegations. “Bild” has pictures of her injuries. The case is scheduled to go to court this Wednesday.

Borrmann had already commented on the allegations. The politician told the Berliner Morgenpost in November 2022 that he only wanted to start a debate about the N-word and was only defending himself with the bite have had.

Karl is said to have been in a Berlin café with a girlfriend and male friends at the time of the crime. After the men left the two women, a gentleman “around 50” and a woman from the next table asked them for a cigarette, the moderator told “Bild”. “He then started scolding us from the side. He said we couldn’t speak German properly. I kindly told him that I have a lot to do with the rap scene and maybe that’s why he doesn’t know some expressions,” Karl continued.

After that, the situation escalated. “He said: ‘Because you’re n**** – or no, sorry, n****: inside? And by the way, I’m a spokesman for the AfD'”, Karl quotes him as saying. “He literally enjoyed saying this word and insulting us with it,” she recalls. Tears welled up in her eyes when she paid and that “He would have followed us, running around on the sidewalk like the Joker in Batman and kept yelling, ‘You crying, you n****!'”

To her reaction, “I’m not a N****, I’m a f****** person!” Borrmann apparently reacted increasingly aggressively. “Then he got to me within ten centimeters and said again: ‘N****’. I then raised my hands protectively. Then he hit me in the face with his flat hand from the side.” Reflexively, she tried to hit him, but he was too big.

The AfD politician is said to have exploited the failed attempt ice cold, according to the victim at “Bild”. He put her in a headlock, according to the moderator. But then the girlfriend rushed to help, Karl and Borrmann were on the ground She managed to free herself from his grip. “He then bit my right forearm with full force,” she says. He then immediately presented himself to the police as a victim and filed a complaint against Karl.

The AfD man was not successful with his ad. The public prosecutor’s office dropped the complaint because Borrmann caused the dispute himself, according to the reasoning. The case still ends up in court, since Karl has had more legal success with her allegations of bodily harm and insult.

“I want his actions to have consequences. If I hadn’t been able to defend myself, I don’t know what else he would have done to me. I was literally bitten by a racist and then got a tetanus shot,” she says in the “Bild” report. She carried her injuries with her for a long time. She also had bruises all over her body, according to her allegations. “I had his bite mark on my forearm for months.”