Reasons not yet known: German delivery service Lunch Vegaz is insolvent

The vegan food manufacturer Lunch Vegaz from Western Pomerania has filed for bankruptcy. As a spokeswoman for the district court in Neubrandenburg said on Monday, the company is insolvent. Creditors and investors were looking for ways to continue manufacturing.

The reason for the insolvency is unclear. Lunch Vegaz was considered a model company for vegan organic dishes and supplied large retail chains and restaurants in Berlin and nationwide.

The capacity of the company, which at times employed around 30 people, was given as 50,000 meals a month. These were made in Rothenklempenow, which is about 120 kilometers northeast of Berlin.

The company’s partner was previously a company from farms that cultivate more than 3,000 hectares of agricultural land. The company could not initially be reached for comment on Monday.

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