DLD Munich 2023 in the ticker log: Turkish star chef honored with the “Aenne Burda Award”.

DLD Munich 2023 is Hubert Burda Media’s digital conference: This is where the international digital elite meet to discuss major future trends such as artificial intelligence and current problems such as the energy crisis. The DLD Munich 2023 in the ticker protocol.

2 p.m.: That’s it for this year from DLD 2023! We hope you had as much fun reading along as we did at the “House of Communications” in Munich. Have a nice weekend and see you next year!

1:55 p.m.: She continues to talk about her daughter being diagnosed with a brain tumor a few years ago. The doctor in charge told her that this can also have something to do with the diet, whereby artificial ingredients in particular can pose a risk. She made the decision that she only wanted to use regional, natural ingredients in her restaurant. They also do without chemicals in the cultivation of wheat and co. They also brought back a type of wheat that was previously almost impossible to find in Turkey.

1:50 p.m.: Ebru Baybara enters the stage again. Her lecture topic: “Brighten the Future by Miracle of Heritage”. First, a video will be shown showing how Baybara uses locally sourced ingredients to create their food – all by hand.

She tells a bit about her childhood in Mardin and her move to Istanbul, where she then studied tourism. She goes on to describe how she, along with 20 other women, eventually began hosting local events where traditional Anatolian dishes were cooked. She describes how she later opened her own restaurant. Many other people in Turkey followed their example, which significantly boosted tourism in the Mardin area.

1.45 p.m .: Now Baybara has his say. She feels very honored to have received the “Aenne Burda Award”. 2023 is a special year for Turkey because 100 years ago the Turkish Republic was founded by Kemal Atatürk. In addition to her restaurant work, she also works a lot with women who are socially disadvantaged. She thanks Steffi and all participants for allowing her to take this award back to Turkey.

1:39 p.m .: The DLD 2023 is nearing its end. Steffi Czerny is now responsible for presenting the “Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership”. This describes Czerny as a “pioneer of women’s rights in Germany”. This year the award goes to Ebru Baybara from Turkey. Baybara grew up in Istanbul and worked for a tour operator there for a long time. She later moved back to her hometown of Mardin. Together with some friends, you renovated an old restaurant that is now a great success. Today, Ebru is the only Turkish chef ranked among the top ten in the world. Baybara has studied Anatolian cuisine extensively and has also adapted their menu according to traditional rules.

1:30 p.m .: According to Simkin, the danger for him and his company is currently very low. However, there is currently the problem that the traffic on samizdat is becoming too large for the existing servers. “Right now we’re the victim of our own success,” jokes Simkin.

1:20 p.m.: Scherzer asks how Simkin uses technology to bring free journalistic information to countries with restricted press freedom. A friend, whom Simkin describes as “kind of a genius,” already had code that could be used for distribution. Samizdat currently offers around 50 publishers who can use the system to spread their news. The links for the articles are encrypted in such a way that they cannot be recognized as “forbidden writings”.

1.13 p.m .: Stephan Scherzer, German Free Press Media Association (MVFP) and Yevgeny Simkin, Samizdat Online now enter the stage. The theme: “Freedom of the Press”.

“Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are the basis for all other freedoms in our society,” said Scherzer at the beginning. On a map, he shows the countries in which freedom of the press is significantly restricted and where there are hardly any restrictions. Unsurprisingly, freedom of the press is curtailed most severely in countries like Russia.

Simkin is from Russia himself. The name Samizdat of his company means “self-published”. This describes a system in which, during the Soviet era, certain books or other media were illegally published and distributed by people themselves. But: Even in 2022 under Putin, propaganda will dominate the country. Propaganda in Russia goes further than politicians in front of microphones. It also has the entertainment industry in its grip. So the propaganda can often not be recognized as such – at least not at first glance.

12:51: Now Val Miftakhov, ZeroAvia, and David Rowan, journalist and author, come on stage and talk about the decarbonization of aviation.

“Five years ago, Miftakhov set out to make aviation sustainable,” says Rowan. “How important will hydrogen become for aviation?” It is definitely the best way to become truly sustainable, explains Miftakhov. All other methods would also make aviation more sustainable, but the effects would be smaller.

Rowan asks if hydrogen is safe. “Do we still have to worry nowadays?” Miftakhov explains that tests are carried out regularly, but he is sure that it is the right way. He emphasizes: “It’s the best solution we have and a long-term investment.” In addition, many parameters show that hydrogen technology is safer than conventional aircraft. For Rowan, Miftakhov chose a path with many hurdles. “I’ve always been interested in aviation,” says Miftakhov.

12.39pm: Minton Beddoes asks what should happen in Europe to allow European companies to become more relevant. McAfee sees the problem with the regulations of the EU. For Brynjolfsson, it starts with the different mentalities. “The US is working hard to lose its advantage. By stopping immigration. That’s the strategy of our enemies,” says McAfee. He believes that artificial intelligence will continue to increase the lead of big companies.

12:25 p.m.: Erik Brynjolfsson, Stanford University, Andrew McAfee, co-director of the MIT Sloan School of Management, and Zanny Minton Beddoes of The Economist now take the stage. You talk about the technological advantage that the USA has over the EU.

Minton Beddoes would like to know if the technological age has developed as expected so far. Brynjolfsson believes that many developments have been accelerated by AI, while others have not. “We underestimated and overestimated the labor market. The US unemployment rate has been at a low for a long time,” said McAfee. He is very optimistic about the idea of ​​making technology available to everyone to be creative.

“Does the lead get bigger once a rift has formed?” asks Minton Beddoes. McAfee illustrates: “The gap between the EU and the US is widening.” For Brynjolfsson, the problem is that the winners continue to dominate the market and accordingly continue to benefit the most. McAfee adds: “Tesla is by far the most popular car manufacturer right now.”

12:05 p.m .: Ferrazzi says that outsourcing certain job groups should also lose its stigma. He says that Logitech’s entire marketing department has been outsourced to the Philippines. According to him, there is no disadvantage or weaker performance here.

Ferrazzi concludes by saying the pandemic has failed to fundamentally rethink the way we work. The way things are currently being handled, there is a risk that western countries will lose touch with Japan or South Korea.

12:00 p.m.: Wharton addresses that many companies today are no longer just hiring people who live close to the company building. That’s why the principle of “two, three days home office, two, three days in the office” is difficult for everyone to implement after the pandemic. Problem: If twelve people are in the office and twelve are only available remotely, classic meetings become more difficult.

Wharton suggests that meetings should be based on sports broadcasts. Multiple cameras in the office showing different perspectives and therefore different employees at specific times. Many employees ask themselves why they should come to the office when they can work more comfortably from the home office. His suggestion: Company buildings should be redesigned with different work areas that are used for specific activities. Changing from the classic individual desk to “flex desks”, i.e. places that are not assigned to a permanent employee, can also be helpful.

11:50 a.m.: Logitech’s Scott Wharton wants to join Keith Ferrazzi, Ferrazzi Greenlight, to discuss the five things we haven’t learned from the pandemic.

Ferrazzi talks about the “meeting madness” during the pandemic. The meetings all took place in Zoom and that hasn’t changed today. He points out that 80 percent of all employees often think that many meetings are pointless. How can you improve something?

Example: Instead of a meeting on “What are the biggest risks for our company in 2023?” send around a spreadsheet in which everyone has equal space for their answer. This prevents only the extroverts from having their say and the more introverted people from being left out. Alternatively, divide into groups of three and provide each with a Google Doc where they can enter their points. Ferrazzi speaks of “asynchronous meetings”.

11:33 am: Summers asks: “Will we lose something and gain something else if we integrate machines into our lives?” According to Singh, one should focus on social aspects. “We have to ask ourselves how AI can simplify our lives. I spend a lot of time in groups where we think about how technologies can be made more accessible to the majority.”

“We should definitely look at the direction of the AI,” says Sahami. It is imperative that we look at how technologies can be regulated. “The thing is, nobody has the right answer right now.” Dhar sees a responsibility to society. He believes that there will be companies that will act in the interests of the citizens. “Whether companies act responsibly today – I don’t think so.”

Summers, as a technological optimist, if the panel could tell anything positive about current developments in the industry. Sahami explains that we should always reflect to see how AI can be used. “I believe that as long as everyone is involved in the development, the technology will develop in the right direction,” says Dhar.

11:22 am Next, Vilas Dhar from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Mehran Sahami, Stanford University, Navrina Singh from Credo AI join Laura Summers from Debias AI to discuss ethical AI.

Summers asks the group how artificial intelligence can be used to take social responsibility. “Is it an episode of Black Mirror or Star Trek? Do you look to the future negatively or positively?”

Sahami wonders if society is ready today to sit in an airplane without a cockpit. “It doesn’t really feel safe yet, does it?”

Sahami is sure that individuals will use AI to influence our opinions. Society as a whole must adapt to this.

As a lawyer, Dhar thinks a lot about his profession. With ChatGPT you could simplify many work processes. Summers himself sees the problem above all in the way of thinking. Things are either good or bad for us.

11:15 a.m. Mason says communicating with generative AI is probably the most exciting aspect of the technology. In the long run, he envisions that with AI, there can be a real exchange where ideas and innovations can be shared by both sides.

11:05 a.m.: Fried adds that generative AI can be particularly exciting for artists looking for new ideas – whether painters, musicians or filmmakers. Mason explains that the basic framework of generative AI doesn’t help much for most people or companies. You have to customize it according to your own wishes so that it really benefits the user. Fried gives the example of a car manufacturer. Generative AI can of course create a new model design, but at the same time it also has to meet the right manufacturer’s logo and other criteria.

Fried asks how generative AI can help Pixar or Dreamworks to design the new hit animated movie. Mason explains that many artists are already using the software. “Artists will not be replaced by AI, but by artists who are already using AI”. Rolston adds that in the future, AI could also be used for highly personalized ads that only target a specific person.

10:58 a.m.: Mark Rolston, argodesign, Ina Fried, Axios and Tom Mason, Stability AI now enter the stage. The topic of conversation: “Opportunities of Generative AI.”

Fried explains that it’s very important to talk about the risks of AI. At the same time, he’s also a fan of thinking about the “almost endless” possibilities. Mason explains that he initially worked for a company that used generative AI for animation in films. Rolston says that generative AI, i.e. an artificial intelligence that can create content autonomously, could completely transform the use of many applications that we currently use. For example, software like ChatGPT could be used to create applications that only exist for the few minutes that the user needs them. Downloading apps or programs may no longer be necessary in the future.

10.38 a.m .: Today it should also be about generative artificial intelligence and its challenges. John Clippinger from Bioform Labs/MIT Media Lab, Björn Ommer, Ludwig Maximilian University, JP Rangaswami from Web Science Trust, Michele Ruiz, BiasSync, Richard Socher from You.com discuss together with John Thornhill from Financial Times/Sifted.

“If we don’t know how to question something, we won’t be able to solve a problem,” Rangaswami said.

Ruiz sees great risks in innovations that humanity has not been prepared for. “AI threatens critical thinking.” Socher sees a major challenge in how exponentially we would develop as a society. With all its possibilities, it is difficult to predict when the development will level off. “Many artists worry that AI could take their job away from them,” says Socher. ChatGPT should also not be trusted at the moment. It should not be forgotten that the model is error-prone.

10:30 a.m.: Next, Christina Hawatmeh, CEO of Scopio, takes the podium and speaks on the topic “Creator Economy”.

Hawatmeh says: “I used to go to the PC. Then the internet started following us. Now the internet is a part of us. Reality and the online world are blurring.”

Hawatmeh wonders where the middle class can let off steam creatively. Scopio is all about giving people the opportunity to be creative.

10:05 a.m.: Karen Bakker, University of British Columbia and Michael John Gorman, BIOTOPIA, now enter the stage. Her topic: “The Sound of Life”.

Gorman explains that their conversation is about the role that sounds play in nature and what we as humans can learn from them. Bakker starts with her presentation. She shows microphones that are installed in nature, for example in the rainforest or in the Antarctic, which record the “sound of nature”. The microphones also pick up sounds that are inaudible to the human ear.

She shows an example of a recording of a bat and reports that you can learn a lot about the animals from these recordings. Bats have their own language, have friends, individual names and many other personality details that are actually only associated with humans. “Bats are a lot more like you than you think,” she tells the audience.

Even animals without eyes without ears make noises, as was discovered through the state-of-the-art microphones. Even corals make sounds and have a sense of hearing, says Bakker. The organisms not only hear the sound of the sea, they can also use it to orient themselves to a certain extent where they are swimming. Until now it was thought that they had no control over where the sea washed them.

The microphones also made it possible to find out that different animal and plant species also communicate with each other. Bakker gives the example of bees and various plants. The insects can hear certain frequencies from the plants, making it easier for them to find them.

Scientists now want to use AI to create a kind of “Rosetta Stone” for non-human languages. Bakker calls it a “Google Translate for non-human communication […] “We are on the threshold of communication between species, that is, between humans and insects such as bees, for example.” A researcher from Berlin, for example, invented a device that makes different noises of bees can not only translate, but can also communicate with the animals themselves.

Bakker concludes her presentation with the sentence “Technology can help us reconnect with nature” and discusses the topic with Gorman. Gorman asks whether the principle presented by Bakker wasn’t rated too positively. Of course, Bakker says the technology can also be used for “bad things,” like domesticating animals that previously only lived in the wild.”

Gorman argues that the idea of ​​”Google Translate for animals” sounds far-fetched. Bakker replies that it’s technically challenging but not far-fetched. Such a technology is quite feasible in the next two decades. “You can’t talk to animals, but a future robot can.”

Research into the sounds whales make has also significantly reduced one of the main causes of whale deaths, ship collisions. From this, Bakker concludes that researching the “sound of nature” can also do a lot for environmental protection in the future. At the end, Bakker asks the audience to think about how they too can contribute to environmental protection and biodiversity in the future.

9.52 a.m .: “We will all work less in the future,” says Bundestag politician Verena Hubertz (SPD), since the world of work is constantly changing – as can be seen, for example, with the introduction of the four-day week in some companies. But people also have to be prepared to continue their education. “Just learning a job and then always doing it will no longer exist.” According to the SPD politician, work is more than just being paid. It’s also about personal fulfillment.

09:42: Now Khalid Abdulla-Janahi, Maryam Forum Foundation, talks to Yossi Vardi about the Middle East.

Abdulla-Janahi wants to talk about leadership roles. “As long as we have leaders and no leaders in the Arab world, we will not move forward.” Abdulla-Janahi believes in critical thinking that good entrepreneurs should also own. “Unfortunately, critical thinking is not available in many places,” says Abdulla-Janahi.

“We also need to talk about justice. Because if there is only one leader, there are no rights.” For her, however, it does not mean that you have to be a democrat to be a good leader.

When we talk about the future of the Middle East, we have to talk about citizenship, said Abdulla-Janahi. “We have to see how we can get Israelis and Palestinians together.”

Saturday, January 14, 9:35 a.m.: Good morning and welcome back to the live ticker of the DLD Conference 2023! DLD boss Steffi Czerny welcomes the guests to the last day of the conference. “I hope you learned a lot and were able to network well. I thank my team. The whole conference went smoothly,” says Czerny, handing over to the chairman, Yossi Vardi.

6:30 p.m.: With that we get off for today. This ends the second day of the DLD conference. Thank you for reading and we’ll see you tomorrow.

5:50 p.m.: Herman Narula now enters the stage. His topic: “Virtual Society”.

Narula begins his talk with a clip of thousands of people playing a video game together in the Metaverse. Narula emphasizes that these were not bots or AIs, but real people interacting with each other digitally using their avatars.

He sees a huge potential with endless possibilities in the Metaverse. He speaks of a philosophical direction that describes how every human being pursues the feeling that they are valued, that their decisions were right, that we see ourselves as successful. The Metaverse can give people that feeling better than, say, video games, Narula says. Games are encapsulated from real life, the metaverse is more connected to our reality. “The Metaverse has the potential to turn entire industries upside down.”

The metaverse can also result in people interacting with, for example, famous athletes or groups of millions of people at once. “The user’s imagination is the limit,” says Narula. The problem of the Metaverse: As of now, Meta has failed to show users the possibilities and options in “digital entertainment”. The most important metric for Virtual Reality: Operations / Second. This makes it possible to measure how much information or interactions are possible in a certain period of time.

Another problem: Different subject areas are what Narula calls “lonely islands” that often don’t mix with each other. Many people love Harry Potter and enjoy playing the Call of Duty shooter. A version of Harry Potter in which the wizard has a machine gun, but still few people wanted to see it. You have to be very careful about which topics you mix with each other.

5:27 p.m .: Now it’s about unlocking the Metaverse (“Unlocking the Metaverse”). Jae Jeong and Markus Ko (both from Gurufin) are now discussing the topic of metaverse and virtual reality with Ralph Simon. Markus Ko begins, he is not interested in virtual reality like you know it from games or films. It’s about the experience – Metaverse with just one URL, with just one click. As simple as possible.

He starts with a performance. With just a click of the mouse, the audience is suddenly in a Metaverse concert. Using an avatar, a character, Markus Ko guides the audience through a virtual world. A song by Lady Gaga is playing in the background. Users can download so-called NFTs and transfer them directly to the Metaverse. His goal: to make NFTs and the Metaverse accessible to many more people.

4:35 p.m .: Borchardt adds that it is very important to bring constructiveness into journalism. Among other things, she praises the reporting on the flood office in the Ahr Valley in Germany, which has contributed greatly to the constructiveness of FOCUS online.

Speck describes how he pushes himself to take action on important issues. “I will not end the climate crisis or the war, but I can do my part,” said the activist. “There are many ways to learn about what you can do as an individual for a particular problem […] You just have to start somewhere.” Borchardt adds: “You have to show people: You are the solution!”. Hinz adds that this is how you help yourself.

Grohnert emphasizes that changes are difficult to initiate. “You have to get out of your comfort zone.” So you constantly need new benchmarks to measure your progress, no matter what you do. “I also move in a bubble in everyday life, which is why events like the DLD are so important for exchanging ideas with others.”

4:20 p.m .: Speck reports that she used to consume her news digitally mostly in the evening. She was then often tired and had to read the negative lines. Now she consumes them in the morning, which makes her daily routine more comfortable. At the same time, she also says that she is optimistic, also when it comes to research and science. “There’s a lot that doesn’t work, but you shouldn’t forget that a lot still works.”

Borchardt says many newsrooms have only recently come to understand that climate change is an important, if not the most important, issue of our time. You have to “humanize” the topic so that they can identify with it. You have to show that “normal” people are also affected. “Journalism hasn’t done a good job on climate change.”

Festl emphasizes that it is difficult to integrate constructive journalism into everyday business. Many journalists are programmed to find errors, not solutions. The editor teams also need to talk more about solution-oriented work. You have to “create islands” on which more constructive topics are discussed. At the same time, people have to be found in the team who “have the heart” to delve deeper into topics. New methods are also needed to measure the constructiveness of the individual articles. But he is also certain that FOCUS online will be successful in terms of constructiveness.

4.10 p.m .: Now enter Alexandra Borchardt, journalist, advisor

Hinz begins with the sentence: “Constructiveness is the key to improvements in our society.” FOCUS online is awarding the constructive World Award this year – all four participants will be members of the jury.

Festl: “This award is more than just another journalist’s prize. We want to do something different – we want to bring reality to the screen. People who work every day to make the world a better place should have the chance to present themselves and be honored for their work. […] Constructive journalism is always also critical journalism. The questions that are answered must also be able to be applied globally.” It’s a “big day for FOCUS online,” says Festl.

Borchardt: “Being constructive is the future of journalism”. It has to be more than just “He said, she said”, people have to be able to identify with the articles. If this is not implemented, many publishers see it as black. Hinz adds that writers need to be aware that their work has an effect on society.

Grohnert emphasizes that many people show a certain “news fatigue” given the current situation with the war in Ukraine. People need positive, constructive news now more than ever. People can follow constructive messages better and see themselves as a “part of it”. More authors and publishers have to look beyond the “Short Time Headlines” to work more constructively.

4:05 p.m .: Ulvaeus takes the audience to the early days of ABBA: “I smoked Marlboro Red, Benny Andersson Gauloises.” During sessions, 25 cigarettes were often smoked in a row. It was during these times that the melodies were created that millions of people can still sing along to this day.

3:55 p.m .: Now ABBA star Björn Ulvaeus speaks. “Everyone should have an avatar.” With these words he begins his keynote speech at the DLD. And immediately classifies: It is presumptuous to talk about the problems of the music industry when people in Ukraine are fighting for their lives. “There can only be one situation: that Ukraine wins.” The audience spontaneously applauds.

“I experienced the golden age of copyright,” says Ulvaeus, leading to his actual topic. But that has changed radically over the decades: music is global, but licensing is country-specific. That makes things complicated for the music industry and makes the issue of copyright almost impossible to control. The result: the payment does not reach all of the people involved in the creative process.

3:35 p.m.: “The financial sector is all about payment options,” says Barnett. When it comes to tech topics, we absolutely have to rely on new startups. “They will drive progress.” But even if European companies are successful in Europe, they would hardly make it in the USA.

“If we have such good technologies, why can’t we be successful on the international market,” Renner asks. Schenker believes that deep-tech startups in particular are unknown to many. According to Thelen, this is mainly due to a lack of storytelling.

So what should Europe do? Thelen is certain: “We have to relocate the capital.” Gerhardt still sees a lot of work to do in terms of culture.

3:30 p.m.: “In fact, many good talents and young companies come from Europe,” believes Barnett. Much is better than in the USA. “I am very optimistic and I believe that innovation here comes from Europe.”

Gerhardt explains how Telefonica works with Startups. We focus primarily on open systems and the possibilities for networking. “We have to give people the chance to grow and learn.” It is imperative for companies to open up.

Thelen believes that disruptive change is not in our DNA. He also sees a lot of catching up to do for himself. “It’s definitely a big challenge.”

3:18 p.m .: Mark Barnett from Mastercard, Nicole Gerhardt, O2 Telefónica, Hanno Renner from Personio, Frank Thelen, 10xDNA, together with Jennifer Schenker from The Innovator, are now talking about the cornerstones for a successful Europe.

“I want to start with a story. At that time, a researcher from Finland invented a router, which unfortunately didn’t work out.” Europe has missed many opportunities when it comes to innovation in digitization. “What can we do to not miss the next wave?” Schenker asks, opening the discussion.

“Europe has many great thinkers, but unfortunately we are lacking in realisation,” explains Thelen. Renner believes that starting and financing entrepreneurs is easy these days. “However, the companies are sold much too early,” explains the co-founder. Europe has many great talents. But we would lack the ecosystems with which we could simply bring talent to us.

2:54 p.m .: Martin Weiss, CEO of Hubert Burda Media, is now talking to Almar Latour, CEO of Dow Jones

What challenges has the Corona crisis brought to media companies like the Wall Street Journal? In the course of the crisis, a desire has developed to report reliably and to help people make decisions, according to Latour. “I was lucky enough to become CEO when there was no corona crisis. However, I became CEO when a war started,” says Weiss. Burda has experience with such challenges. Weiss cites the global financial crisis of 2008 as an example.

“I’m very positive about the current situation from the perspective of the media,” Latour continues. “So many trends happen at once.” And further: “What do you have to do when you make difficult decisions? You have to inform yourself. Many users come to us to find out more. They attach great importance to reliable information. That inspires me, and that’s the reason why we’re here – helping people make decisions.” As a media company, you have to invest in “unique quality” in order to continue to guarantee this.

Martin Weiss: “We have been developing since 1903. We cannot ignore innovation. We listen to what is said at the DLD. Innovation often comes from areas that you would never have thought of.” Weiss cites TikTok as an example. The role of media companies is to be “a platform for founders”, to show innovations and to develop them further. “And that’s exactly what we want to push forward.”

“What keeps me awake is the fact that journalism has shrunk massively, the number of journalists has decreased,” Latour summarizes with concern. At the same time, the quality of journalism must be kept at a high level.

2:45 p.m .: Raza asks how the two entrepreneurs would assess the development of Twitter. “It’s good for business,” replies Ben Smith. Regarding Springer’s acquisition of Politico, Justin Smith believes it will be good for the development of digital media.

Next, Raza talks about media consolidation. “Are small publishers being taken over by large media companies?” Justin Smith believes in a long-term development: “We’ll see where we are in the next few years.”

2:25pm: Next, Nayeema Raza, Vox Media Podcast, joins Semafor’s Ben Smith and Justin Smith to talk about “New News” and how it’s replacing old media. The young platform “Semafor” will be presented.

“People were completely overwhelmed with the reporting. We wanted to have it all on one platform,” says Ben Smith. Justin Smith adds: “Over the years, the English language has developed into a cross-border language.” They wanted to create a medium that would be accessible to users worldwide.

“There is so much content online today. And while we know what’s happening around the world, we still don’t know what’s happening in Washington right now,” Raza said. Justin Smith explains that people are frustrated. Semafor tries to summarize all the content and thus relieve the readers of all the work. The CEO sees the perspective in several editorial offices at various locations that could cover the entire news world.

2:05 p.m .: After the lunch break, we continue with Shervin Pishevar from Edison Fund and Natalia Brzezinski from Klarna. “Iran uses the internet as a weapon of oppression,” says Brzezinsk. “And Iran is not alone in this.” Pishevar, who fled Iran himself, talks about the precarious human rights situation in Iran. “This is a terrorist regime.” Then he talks about the role of the Internet for Iran. “They block the internet. And when they don’t block it, they flood it with misinformation.” Pishevar introduces a Starlink satellite. “This is a tool to spread freedom and democracy in the world. People can communicate with the world via satellite without being blocked.” He sees the Starlink as a remedy against dictatorships.

“Dictatorships like Russia use social media to influence politics in other countries,” Pishevar continued. “But with technology like Starlink, we can fight back.”

Pishevar then talks about the years 2018 to 2021. “That was a drunken era.” He means the extremely increased valuations of companies that were no longer realistic. The massive flood of money from the central banks also contributed to this. This trend reversed again. Many reviews have come back to reality. When he invests in companies, he invests in the idea first.

12.55 p.m .: Now Hendrik Brandis from Earlybird enters the stage. His topic: “Driving Innovation in times of crisis”.

He presents a picture that shows that investment in innovation in Europe has increased significantly over the past 10-12 years.

A platform technology is currently created every two to three years. It used to be every ten years at most. Going forward, AI, new energy sources and quantum computing are the innovations that will see a lot of investment, Brandis said. Thanks to the investments, startups are now becoming unicorns much faster than, for example, ten years ago.

After around ten years, however, the innovation industry has developed from a bull market into a bear market. The industry must now deal with this crisis. However, it is not the first crisis in the last 20 years. However, he expects the crisis to end in 2024. “What goes down will eventually go up again”.

“Global venture funds perform better during crises than before,” said Brandis. He therefore advises making investments, especially in times of crisis. “Now is the time to invest!”. However, he also emphasizes that when it comes to investing during crises, it takes a lot of creativity and innovation to generate profits.

He gives some examples of companies that were founded during a crisis. These include WhatsApp, Pinterest and AirBNB. He therefore assumes that many companies will be founded in the current crisis, which will later turn out to be great successes. As an example, Brandis cites Marvel Fusion from Munich, which was able to celebrate great success in 2022. “Generative AI” is also a model from which Brandis expects strong innovations and subsequent great success in the coming years. The same applies to quantum computing.

Unsurprisingly, investments have risen sharply in Europe since the beginning of the crisis. Brandis sees this as “good news” because the investments promise growth for the corporations, which will mean that the crisis will end more quickly. “Crises always lead to innovations.”

12.15 p.m .: Jan Kupfer from Hypo Vereinsbank, Angela Titzrath from Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG and Georg Meck from FOCUS Money now enter the stage. The topic: “Resilience in the global economy.”

“The times of “just in time” are over. Companies need storage space again and, above all, several locations,” says Angela Titzrath.

Kupfer is almost certain that there will be no recession this year. “People have the feeling that they can live with the increased prices for gas and energy.” He says inflation is still a problem, although not as bad as it was in 2022.

Kupfer does not yet want to make any predictions about how prices will develop on the real estate market.

Titzrath explains that the blockade of the Suez Canal showed how vulnerable the supply chains are worldwide and how dependent we are on certain routes. If, for example, certain ports or canals close, you will notice this quickly, even as a private person.

Meck asks whether Titzrath thinks that ports in China will have to close because of the corona situation. She does not have a clear answer to this, but points out that in the long term it would also be noticed on the European market.

Kupfer: “The supply chains are so intertwined that it will not be possible to completely break away from China.” The situation in China and possible closures are “the greatest danger at the moment”. Kupfer calls independence from China “an illusion”.

Titzrath: “30 percent of all deliveries at the port of Hamburg come from China.” She calls the sale of a stake in the port to a Chinese company “completely legitimate.” According to Titzrath, the sale is in the final stage. According to Titzrath, Chinese companies even have majority shares in ports in the USA and Holland.

“It’s like football, everyone has an opinion, but very few are good coaches. Everyone here has an opinion about the port, but most have no idea how a port works. We are an international company with international customers. […] Currently there is a surplus of port offerings, so we are fighting for customers and that’s typically offering shares. What we are offering now is a minority stake in an operating company. This is not critical infrastructure. The port itself belongs to the state and the city and that will remain so, according to Titzrath.

“Banks are currently much more robust than they were during the crisis in the early 2000s,” says Kupfer. “There are many companies that need financing. That’s our job,” says the Hypo manager.

“Consumption this year will probably be significantly better than we had forecast,” says Kupfer. He now also considers the recession predicted in October to be unlikely.

When asked how the Dax will develop this year, Titzrath does not want to make any firm predictions yet. But she also emphasizes that one “must be very careful” given the situation in Ukraine.

Kupfer points out that the war in Ukraine naturally had and is having a major impact on banks in Russia. Since money also flows between banks in Russia and other countries, the effects have also been noticed in banks in Germany. In general, however, he is significantly more optimistic for this year than for 2022.

12:05 PM: A question from the audience, “Which country offers the largest window of opportunity?” A question Hart cannot answer.

11:52 a.m .: Now come Oliver Hart, Professor at Harvard University, and Felicitas von Peter, founder of Active Philanthropy. “The best thing about DLD is that the conference brings together start-ups and a Nobel Prize winner,” begins von Peter.

“What role do shareholders play for companies,” asks von Peter. “We are the biggest shareholders, especially in our private lives,” explains Hart. Nowadays, people would mostly have neutral funds. In many cases, companies are primarily loyal to the investors.

Von Peter asks about the role of technology. Hart sees a lot of potential here: “Many companies would ask how important the environment or other issues are. Technologies could then process this data.”

11:50 a.m.: “We have 25 years to completely turn the course in energy. This is the greatest challenge for society in the past 100 years,” says Wolfgang Schmidt, head of the Federal Chancellery in the Scholz government.

“We are discussing a lot about helping Ukraine today.” But the more important question is: How do we support Ukraine when the war is over? One thing is clear: private capital is existentially important. “If I may make a request to those attending this conference, please invest in Ukraine.”

11.17 a.m .: Next on the podium are Markus Haas, O2 Telefónica, and Carla Neuhaus from FOCUS Magazine. They talk about how to grow in times of uncertainty.

“How can the “now” prepare us for the future?” Neuhaus asks. We need to use data, for example in the spot market. “The future lies with data-driven companies,” explains Haas.

As smartphone plan prices rise, Haas says the company continues to invest in innovative technologies. “Especially since Corona, we have pushed the construction of telephone towers.”

“Does it mean that we can actually do it if we want to?” Neuhaus asks. Anything can work if we know what we need. Digitization plays a central role here. She is part of the solution.

Next, Neuhaus wants to talk about business with China. For Haas, the global competition and related investments are particularly important.

Is it possible for us to build Metaverse without Big Tech outside of the US? For Haas, it is primarily about the possibilities, but also about data protection. “I am sure that we will find our own way to the metaverse.” “In the end it is about the right content and we will find it together,” adds the entrepreneur.

10.50 a.m.: The following is about sustainable cities. To what extent can cities use the momentum, the sustainability trend, and change? This is what author Charles Landry, Victoria Ossadnik, Chief Operating Officer at E.ON and Coen van Oostrom, founder of Edge Technologies, are talking about.

“The cities will play an increasingly important role,” says Ossadnik. “We’re going into electrification of cities – which sounds good as long as it’s still a theory.” However, much more infrastructure is needed. That is an opportunity, especially for energy companies like E.ON. However, smart solutions are needed. It is important to reuse used energy whenever possible. Ossadnik emphasizes the importance of using energy more efficiently and talks about peak shaving.

Van Oostrom talks about the change that is already taking place in the real estate sector, the more efficient construction of real estate. However, in the past, many properties were not built with sustainability in mind and many people would only change that if, for example, energy prices rose significantly. And the cities are not prepared for such serious changes. A much stronger cooperation with the industry is needed. “What we’re seeing in our cities is that a lot of office space is vacant, especially with the pandemic.” Van Oostrom sees huge potential here. Such unused real estate could be redesigned, adapted to the needs of the people.

“The energy crisis is good for us to move forward,” Ossadnik said. It is about rethinking the use of energy. Smart solutions play a role here, such as the reuse of energy, but also the question of when which energy has to be used and when not. Data and data analysis play an important role here.

Van Oostrom criticizes the bureaucracy in many cities. This slows down many development processes considerably. “Look at Berlin. It takes months to get a new ID card.” However, this is not a Berlin-specific problem.

10.07 a.m .: Is democratic capitalism in crisis? Martin Wolf from the Financial Times wants to discuss this question today. “Today I belong to the dinosaurs who still read books.”

“We are in a crisis of democratic capitalism. The reason is simple: we’ve created too many angry, disillusioned people voting crazy people,” explains Wolf. “We won’t have a democracy if we don’t have a functioning economy,” said Wolf. “Democracy is necessary for capitalism and vice versa. It’s the only way we know of to build a tolerable state.”

For Wolf, left and right camps have strengthened anti-liberal tendencies. “In order for us to get out of this situation together, we have to stop being angry with each other.” The fact that Trump and Bolsonaro did not hand over the offices to their successors has enormous symbolic value.

Wolf concludes, “You will all play an important role. What you do at home and at work will make a difference. Otherwise we will live in an oligarchy again.”

9.42 a.m .: James Landay from Stanford University is now speaking. “Artificial intelligence should be inspired by human intelligence,” Landay said. He also points out that artificial intelligence has not yet managed to overtake humans. In this respect, corresponding predictions have also failed. Then Landay admits, “We don’t know how to design AI to have a positive impact on humans.”

“We can’t design AI around the user alone,” warns Landay, referring to so-called “community-centered AI,” with a focus on the community. ChatGPT is the part of the brain that lets you say things – but without the part that helps you know if you should say it.

Landay often uses the word human in the context of AI. what does he mean with that? For him, human needs continue to be the focus. In view of advanced artificial intelligence, it is always about people, says Landay.

How does Landay, who is a university professor, teach his students how to use AI responsibly? They should always be concerned about who else AI might affect other than themselves, Landay said. “Who could be excluded?” And the topic of regulation also plays an important role. Landay ties in with the previous speaker Judith Gerlach.

Will we still be using the word human in 50 years? Landay is certain: Yes, we will. Humans have been working with machines for centuries. Humans will continue to play a major role.

9.30 a.m .: Another forecast: the tech markets in China will continue to grow. AI will play a central role. Tesla will continue to buy progressive people. Meanwhile, the competition will continue to increase. We already have over 50 new models.

“I find it exciting that all innovative technology is being acquired by the middle class,” Galloway continues. Conservatives would invest far less in the companies. There will be many new players entering the market.

9:05 a.m.: Scott Galloway next takes the stage with projections for 2023. “We’re seeing a lot of regression to fundamentals,” Galloway said. Another prognosis: “Zuckerberg will fail.” He believed he would become the god of technology. That failed. “If you really want to invest, it’s better to invest in Crocs.”

If you are wondering whether Metaverse is currently running, you should bear in mind that Myspace currently has more traffic. The expert has also already predicted that Twitter will be taken over. He also sees a downward trend in the tech industry. TikTok will continue to be a big topic for Galloway this year. Layoffs are still to be expected in all large companies.

Galloway also commented on one of the fastest growing apps in the world: TikTok. He mainly talks about big risks. “TikTok is the greatest propaganda tool in history.” The West should be aware that the platform poses a “great threat to democracy”. We should ask ourselves to what extent we want to allow unregulated use.

The West should be aware that the platform poses a “great threat to democracy”. We should ask ourselves to what extent we want to allow unregulated use.

“When we talk about big tech, we have to realize that Apple is as big as the rest of the companies combined,” Galloway said. “TikTok is the greatest propaganda tool in history.” Airbnb, meanwhile, continues to be dominant in the hospitality industry.

Friday, January 13, 8:56 a.m.: Dear readers, welcome to the second day of the DLD Innovation Conference. DLD co-founder Steffi Czerny and DLD chairman Yossi Vardi welcome the guests.

The first speech will be held by Judith Gerlach, Minister of State for Digital Affairs in Bavaria. “You are a bit like my role model and the personification of ‘Beyond Now’, dear Steffi,” Gerlach begins her speech. “Predictions are difficult, especially when it comes to the future.” Nevertheless, she wanted to make some predictions. “2023 will be the year for artificial intelligence,” said the Minister of State. No matter whether in the health sector, in the housing sector or in the education sector. “It’s amazing what this technology can do.” And further “The boundaries between man and machine are disappearing more and more.” For them, the question arises as to whether AI is helpful or harmful if in the wrong hands. A corresponding set of political rules, a smart set of rules, is important. “Trust is the main feature of our democracy. We don’t need a wild west.” The EU must take responsibility here. In order to create trust, there needs to be a transparent exchange between political decision-makers and the citizens.

7:07 p.m.: Scott Galloway, professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, and Kara Swisher of New York Magazine will conclude the evening with a live podcast “Pivot”. Fun fact: Galloway and Swisher met each other here at DLD.

Tonight the two want to talk about current topics. “The decision in the US was that they didn’t want to invest in the middle class anymore,” Galloway explains. Accordingly, less is to be invested in infrastructure. “As far as infrastructure is concerned, Germany and the EU are much further along,” says the expert. Swisher adds, “For anything to change in the US, the mindset needs to change first.”

Next up is Musk, Twitter and Tesla. “Who drives a Tesla?” asks Galloway. Tesla has had no competition in the past decade. Now there are new Mercedes and BMW models that are changing the market.

What about Disney? “The company is currently at the bottom.” But in order for Disney to remain competitive with Netflix or Amazon, it absolutely has to grow.

Another topic: artificial intelligence. “Since OpenAi, artificial intelligence has become enormously relevant,” Swisher reveals. “We don’t yet know where we stand and what we want to achieve with artificial intelligence.”

When it comes to digital businesses, TikTok also needs to be discussed. Galloway explains that the tech lobby is particularly strong in the USA. “Companies give politicians a lot of money to achieve their goals.” And even if he loves TikTok, the app must be adapted to Western guidelines or banned entirely.

That leaves us for today. This ends the first day of the DLD conference. Thank you for reading and we’ll see you tomorrow.

6:40 p.m.: A panel discussion entitled “Tech for Good” begins. This is particularly about the responsibility of the tech sector, also from the point of view of sustainability. Participating in the discussion: Erin Beilharz from the Lufthansa CleanTech Hub, Philipp Justus from Google and Christophe Maire from FoodLabs.

Justus emphasizes the importance of sustainability for employees. This is an increasingly important aspect when choosing an employer. Google has set itself the goal of making all of its servers sustainable by 2024. And goals like these also had an impact on future generations when choosing their employer.

Justus, Vice President Central Europe at Google, explains that more and more people are looking to Google for information and ways to save energy. This need of its own user community also plays an important role for Google itself in the further development of the company.

Then there is artificial intelligence. The frequent objection is that it consumes a lot of energy. Justus admits that this is a challenge. It’s about making artificial intelligence more efficient, both in terms of user experience and in terms of sustainability.

Now Beilharz, Managing Director at Lufthansa CleanTech Hub, speaks. The moderator wants to know how an airline deals with the criticism of not being sustainable. Beilharz emphasizes that flying is simply necessary in certain areas, for example when transporting certain goods. Nevertheless, flying must also change, without a doubt. It is about making the “most efficient decision” taking into account many aspects.

FoodLabs CEO Christophe Maire believes certain industries and companies need to undergo a “complete transformation” if they want to become sustainable. Investors also understood that investments in companies that want to be sustainable in the long term bring many opportunities.

5:50 p.m.: Now Dorit Dor, Check Point Software Technologies, Gabi Dreo Rodosek from the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich and Bob Lord from IBM enter the stage. The topic: “Cybersecurity: The Challenge of Our Decade”.

Lord is certain that cybersecurity will be the most important task of this decade. Dorit Dor: “We need to understand the nature of cybersecurity.” In everyday life, when we do things like move files to the cloud, there will always be someone who thinks, “How can I turn this into an advantage for me?”. Result: many cases of data theft, blackmail with captured data. “Attacks on companies have increased by 50 percent every year since 2018”.

Rodosek talks about how important cybersecurity software is not only for companies but also for us as a society. Dor explains that while cybersecurity is important to companies, corporations are often concerned that it will limit the work of employees too much.

Rodosek: “Society must work together to achieve a secure ecosystem on the Internet”. The war in Ukraine could lead to the development of many new methods in the cybercrime scene to attack not only companies but also governments. At the same time, the help for Ukraine is also a good example of how many nations work together for a cause, including digitally.

Dor: “It’s important that companies put the most effort into the most important data to make it as unassailable as possible.” Rodosek adds that the motto “Beyond Now” can also apply to cybersecurity. “We may be talking about entirely new digital threats next year.”

Lord asks what you can do as a single user for your own cyber security. Dor explains that the average consumer doesn’t do much for their own data security. At the same time, of course, there is no separate “department” in the household that deals with data security. Again, she explains that users need to weigh which filesets are most important to them in order to give them the protection they need.

Rodosek: “What I know is not dangerous, but what I don’t know”. Dor advises influencers in particular to bring the topic of cybersecurity closer to younger users.

5 p.m.: Priscilla Chomba-Kinywa, Chief Technology Officer at Greenpeace, Peter Koerte, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at Siemens, Christina Raab, Chair of Accenture DACH, join Greg Williams, Deputy Global Editor at Wired UK for a discussion.

“Today we want to talk about the age of transformation,” Williams said. The central theme is the climate crisis. For Chomba-Kinywa, digital transformation depends on individual perspectives.

Koerte views the transformation primarily from an entrepreneurial perspective. Especially in the beginning, companies transform themselves particularly quickly. Digitization has also changed communication with customers.

For Raab, digitization means in particular the “survival” of the company. “When we talk about the climate crisis, we have to think holistically and transform the whole economy. She quotes Albert Einstein: “Life is like a bicycle. You can only balance it if you move.”

Transformation is not only technology, but also culture, explains Williams. For Chomba-Kinywa, culture becomes important in recruiting. “How do we get people out of the slums?” “Unfortunately we don’t have much time. It’s a key problem that we as human beings need to solve,” she adds. According to Koerte, the future must be open and decentralized. The Metaverse will play an important role in this development.

“When we talk about climate-neutral progress, we have to change a lot of regulations,” explains Koerte. “We have to create an infrastructure for this.” In order to advance decarbonization, that will be our main task.

In the end, Raab needs a 360-degree view. “This is the only way organizations can actually work towards climate neutrality. We will only win if we all work together,” adds Chomba-Kinywa.

4:15 p.m .: Andreas Urschitz, Chief Marketing Officer at Infineon, Anne Kawalerski, Global Chief Marketing Officer at Bloomberg and David Kirkpatrick, Editor-in-Chief at Techonomy Media, are now speaking.

“It is we who have an influence on the climate,” says Urschitz. The way we live, how we consume, all make a difference. But technology also makes a difference in terms of climate. Urschitz complains that only twelve percent of the energy comes from renewable sources. The transport and real estate sectors are responsible for the emissions. Smart solutions in these sectors could significantly reduce emissions, in the real estate sector by around 50 percent. Then he has an appeal. People should think about how to decarbonize the world.

Now Kawalerski and Kirkpatrick also enter the stage for a discussion. According to Kawalerski, sustainability influences all innovations. Reporting has also changed significantly in this area. There is a great demand for content in this area. “Not all industries are doing enough in the area of ​​sustainability,” accuses the Bloomberg CMO. “We are setting ourselves very ambitious goals with regard to CO2 neutrality,” continues Infineon CMO Urschitz. He also sees this as an opportunity: “Decarbonization is a huge business case.”

But Urschitz doesn’t just see companies as responsible: “Political decision-makers are needed to bring us from 12 percent renewable energies to 65 percent.” In addition, each individual must also make their contribution, for example with solar panels on the roof of the house to generate electricity.

3:35 p.m.: Amiram Appelbaum, Israel Innovation Authority, takes the stage. His topic: “From start-up nation to scale-up nation”.

He describes how Israel was still a “desert nation” 70 years ago and how the country has developed into an innovative country over the past few decades. The “Start-Up Nation” is now one of the ten most innovative countries in the world. When investing in R

“Innovation and high-tech are the most important factors for Israel’s economy.” Many of the companies in Israel are multinational – Israel is increasingly becoming a focal point for global innovations, according to Appelbaum. He quotes Albert Einstein: “Necessity is the most important factor for innovation.” This makes Israel a good place for innovative research.

Due to the innovations and developments of the companies based in Israel, the country has changed from an “R

3:15 p.m.: Solveigh Hieronimus, co-director of the McKinsey Global Center for Government (MCG), takes the podium. “Today we are at DLD and it means “beyond”. That also means how far we can go as humans. So let’s see how much progress is possible.”

Like Galileo, Jerome wants to look at progress on a microscopic level. “If you look at the world with its individual micro-regions, the pixels allow us to see the nuances of each region,” Hieronimus shows on a map.

She explains: “Not only China will determine the progress, but also 75 other nations if we look at them individually.” All would develop. Innovation grows with income. On a granular level, all markets that are being redefined are evolving.

2.35 p.m .: Now Steffi Czerny asks Roberto Viola, Member of the European Commission, to come on stage. His topic: “The Challenges of the Digital Transformation in a Changing World Order”.

“Digital development is currently facing many hurdles, primarily Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine,” says Viola. According to Viola, positive changes in society are not possible without developments in technology. “Technology and environmental protection must therefore go hand in hand.”

Viola emphasizes the European technology model, which, unlike in the USA or China, focuses on the benefits for the population. At the same time, according to Viola, it is also the best structured in the world.

“Soon we will move from web 2.0 to web 3.0, where content can be viewed in 3D […] Europe has the best opportunities to make the transition from 2.0 to 3.0 and, in the more distant future, to 4.0.”

“Cooperation is extremely important for technological developments and I think that cooperation is at the heart of the EU”.

2:17 p.m .: Now BMW boss Oliver Zipse enters the stage. “Beyond Now, for me as CEO, that means thinking about the future.” And further: “BMW alone employs more than 8,000 IT engineers”. Most of the features in a car are not important. It’s about who delivers the best emotional experience.

“We are entering a whole new era,” says Zipse. He emphasizes the aspect of sustainability. “Our resources are limited.” A car manufacturer like BMW has to stick to the 1.5 degree target. Taking all factors into account, it is currently still at 1.6 degrees. In addition to the pure electric car, they also want to rely on hydrogen technology. The main focus here is on the interaction between electrification and hydrogen.

In addition to an electric infrastructure, BMW also wants to create a hydrogen infrastructure, according to CEO Zipse. “We started research in the field of hydrogen 17 years ago.” In research in the field of fuel cell technology, partnerships have been concluded with Toyota. “It’s not just about the development of vehicles, but also about optimizing the entire production chain.” And further: “There is huge potential in green hydrogen.”

2:05 p.m .: Steffi Czerny now welcomes Dr. Florian Herrmann, Head of the State Chancellery and Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media. Unfortunately, Markus Söder was unable to attend the keynote.

“Bavaria is the most important address for media companies with many successes in various areas: for example in the film or games industry.” “Innovation requires courage to have visions. So we believe we will continue to find partners in the technology space.”

1:34 p.m .: Here we go! Steffi Czerny, Florian Haller (Serviceplan Group) and DLD Chairman Yossi Vardi enter the stage to greet the guests and participants. The motto this year: “Beyond NOW”.

Czerny explains the motto: The situation worldwide is currently characterized by unrest. War, economic crises and internal conflicts dominate the talks. It is therefore important to look “beyond now” in order to talk about innovations, ideas and solutions to problems. “It’s more important to see the opportunities than the evils.”

Czerny continues: “We all have to adapt our habits in order to shake up the system and initiate changes and solutions.” “Dare to learn so that you can be surprised at what you can learn”.

“What is the most important technology of the year?” Czerny asks the audience. The unanimous answer: artificial intelligence! Therefore, many speakers will also deal with this topic this year.

Now Yossi Vardi also has his say and tells a little about the history of the DLD and some guests who were not yet known at the time, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Lady Gaga and various scientists from a wide range of fields.

At the end of the welcome, Florian Haller, the CEO of Serviceplan Group, comes onto the stage. He explains that this year’s DLD will be held in a new building, the “House of Communication” in Munich. He hopes that the new location will ensure a great, informative event as usual.

11.05 a.m .: After a three-year break, the digital conference DLD will take place again this year at the usual time. It starts at 1:30 p.m. when DLD co-founder and boss Steffi Czerny welcomes the participants. This is followed by lectures by Dr. Florian Herrmann, the CEO of BMW Markus Zipse or Peter Körte from Siemens. In the live ticker from FOCUS online you can read the most important things about the conference.