Eight days in the fridge: a British couple discovers a living lizard in a Lidl spinach pack

Lidl drew attention to itself in England with an involuntary PR campaign that could have been run under the slogan “Buy a pack of spinach and get a lizard for free”.

As the British couple Bacon reported to “The Sun”, Katherine Bacon was about to prepare the meal when she suddenly discovered a lizard in the pack of spinach leaves. She let out a scream of shock, whereupon her husband James rushed into the kitchen. He gently nudged the four-inch reptile to check if it was still alive. After all, the spinach had been in the fridge for eight days and had also traveled a long way because the couple had ordered their purchase online from Lidl.

But the lizard broke out of its rigidity and then stalked happily through the spinach. Amused, James pulled out his cell phone and filmed the little hiker: “He’s determined to get out. He’s off on an adventure!” he commented.

The couple from West Sussex then searched the Internet for information on how to proceed with the reptile. “Our main concern was that the lizard was okay,” says Katherine. Finally, they informed an animal protection organization, which then picked up the lizard.

“She’s fine at the moment,” a spokesman said. For European lizards like the Italian wall lizard, which has been hiding in the spinach, it is common at this time of year to fall into a kind of hibernation. “That’s probably why it survived, unlike a tropical species,” the spokesman said. The little guy is now in quarantine for 30 days. After that, an animal welfare worker wants to adopt the lizard.

Meanwhile, Lidl apologized for the incident and announced a quality check.

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