Premiere at “Who wants to be a millionaire?”: Günther Jauch in a giving mood and packs a tip on the winnings

That’s never been the case with “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”. Although Konrad Krug earned a comparatively high sum, moderator Günther Jauch gave a small bonus on top. Why? That’s a longer story…

There are always curious moments when a television show has such a long history as “Who wants to be a millionaire?” The fact that Günther Jauch gives a candidate a “tip” in addition to the amount earned should, however, be in the history of the RTL quiz show this Monday to have happened for the first time.

On the one hand, this has to do with the quick-wittedness of the candidate and, on the other hand, with the “late effects” of a previous quiz question.

Konrad Krug is currently a trainee mathematician and journalist at the scientific organization Leibniz Association. He discovered his love of mathematics early on. So early that his math teacher insisted that Krug was allowed to do his math exam in the ninth grade.

Jauch wanted to know with a wink from the mother who had traveled with him: “How is it as a mother? Does a child like that worry you, or do you say to yourself: ‘It’ll be fine?’” The mother found it “actually quite nice”.

The Berliner showed early on in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” that his knowledge is not just limited to mathematics. He confidently climbed the 16,000 euro rung on the million ladder. Here he needed a joker for the first time: “The flag of which region shows a black head with a white headband on a white background?” After the 50:50 joker, Corsica and Anatolia remained. Konrad Krug correctly chose the former.

Worth 32,000 euros: “What is usually divided into the age groups nuovo, vecchio, stravecchione, extra stravecchione?” Grappa, truffle, olive oil or parmesan? Only 55 percent of the viewers guessed Parmesan as the collective joker. “Oh, what’s going to happen, the audience will be right,” Krug said daringly – but only after the moderator had explained to him that it was his “free shot question” – “in the worst case you’ll fall on the 16,000”. But the candidate did not fall.

“Only which of our coins has a groove all around the otherwise smooth edge?” The answer was worth 125,000 euros. The choices were: 2 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, 2 euros.

“I don’t even look at cent coins anymore, I always want to get rid of them as quickly as possible,” revealed Günther Jauch. “If I go out with the million, I have nothing to do with 2-cent coins,” said Konrad Krug.

The self-confident sentence was well received by the audience and the moderator. It quickly became clear that Krug could not only deal with numbers, but also with words. He chose “2 cents” and suggested: “We can check your wallet right away.” Jauch claimed that he didn’t have it with him.

In order to check the correctness of the answer, Jauch had the editors collect money. When comparing the coins, the choice was confirmed. “But you won’t get that from us now,” said Jauch about the coin illustrative material. “125,000 euros – and the math problem wasn’t there yet,” summed up the moderator.

Worth 500,000 euros: “The northernmost point of which German state is furthest to the south?” Saarland, Saxony, Baden-Württemberg or Bavaria?

“By the way, a dream question for your telephone joker,” said Günther Jauch. When Konrad Krug followed up to find out that it was meant ironically, he countered. “Oh,” laughed Konrad Krug: “Mr. Jauch is joking.” Jauch promised: “One per show, that was him.”

The buddy, asked as a telephone joker, believed “70 percent Saarland”. Krug: “Yes, for me too, that sucks, doesn’t it?” The audience laughed at so much spontaneous honesty. After much deliberation, Krug decided: “That’s too hot for me.” He was satisfied with 125,000 euros.

Jauch wanted to know why he hadn’t followed his gut feeling. “That can be deceptive, that’s a hot area, 125,000,” mused Konrag Krug. “But I would have been a hero if I had taken it,” said Jauch. To which Krug: “Yes, sometimes the world is not meant for heroes.”

This quick wit was well received by the audience and the presenter. Jauch even clapped his hands in amusement. “In this sense: You are my hero tonight,” congratulated Jauch. “Add 2.52 euros on top of that,” he suggested and gave the candidate the money that was still there from the coin question to take with them. Not even the mathematician could have counted on that…

Previously, the overhang candidate Dominik Seefeld from Stuttgart earned 64,000 euros. Ulrike Gapp from Bad Waldsee in Baden-Württemberg is allowed to answer the 32,000 euro question in the next episode.

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The original of this post “Günther Jauch in a giving mood and packs a tip on the winnings” comes from Teleschau.