Horror bill: Dortmund couple should pay 17,000 euros for electricity

A couple from Dortmund is said to have to pay 17,000 euros in arrears for electricity. Those affected expect an error – but initially paid 700 euros a month. The electricity provider now wants to investigate the case. However, he does not assume that there is an error in the electricity meter.

A Dortmund couple is said to have to pay 17,000 euros for electricity because they are said to have consumed 100,000 kilowatt hours of electricity within a year. The couple received these shocking numbers in their annual statement, reports the “WDR”.

That must be a mistake, according to Dortmund. The family’s night storage heaters consume a lot of electricity, but not six times as much as the previous year, according to the couple.

But your provider DEW 21 has already created an installment plan with 700 euros per month. The electricity would be cut off if the bills were not paid, the company said. For fear of not getting any electricity at all, the couple initially paid the 700 euros. But now they have hired a lawyer.

From the next month they no longer want to pay the amount and plan to sue if the company does not clear up the case. They suspect that the error could have happened when the electricity meter was changed a year and a half ago. DEW 21 rules that out. But she wants to look into the case.