For 31 euros per month: Hessen is planning a cheap public transport ticket for citizens’ allowance recipients

Hesse wants to relieve low earners and recipients of citizen income: They should get a discounted, state-wide local transport ticket. This makes the state a pioneer.

The Hessian offer should cost 31 euros a month. Anyone who is entitled to citizenship benefit, housing benefit plus or social assistance will benefit. This was announced in Wiesbaden by Minister of Transport Tarek Al-Wazir and Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose (both Greens). The circle of beneficiaries would include around 520,000 people. There is already a flat-rate ticket for students, trainees, senior citizens and state employees in Hesse at a price of 31 euros per month.

Al-Wazir explained that the state wants to provide up to 15 million euros to finance the planned “Hessenpass mobil” for low-income earners. Together with the three transport associations RMV, NVV and VRN, the offer should be developed in the next few weeks and – if possible – start together with the planned 49-euro Germany ticket.

“Coordination talks would have to be held with the municipalities, some of which already offer local discounted tickets,” said Al-Wazir. Minister of Social Affairs Klose emphasized that affordable mobility is a central requirement so that everyone can participate in social and cultural life. For many people, the price of 49 euros for the planned Germany ticket is also a lot of money. According to Federal Transport Minister Volker (FDP), the Germany ticket should be introduced by May 1st at the latest.

The SPD parliamentary group also wants to introduce the planned basic child security this year. “After the basic income, we want to tackle another social pillar in our system,” said SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich recently after a closed conference in Berlin. The aim is to “merge the various transfer payments from child benefit to support for poor families”.

Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) is aiming for a final draft law on basic child security for the fall. The aim of the reform is to make it easier for families to benefit from benefits in the future, which in many cases they have not even applied for in the past due to ignorance or bureaucratic hurdles.

The recalculation of the property tax and its implementation is causing a stir – even outside of Baden-Württemberg. Send the editors an e-mail to with the keyword/subject “property tax” stating your name, age and place of residence and briefly describe your experiences in connection with the new property tax. Did your input work right away? Have you already received an answer from the tax office? How much more should you pay in the future? Or do you have any questions? Please write to us.